The Star-Spangled Man // Chris Evans

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   "Hey, it's the star-spangled man with a PLAN! How are you today, Captain?" You teased, snatching the TV remote out of your brother's hands to hold it to Chris' face like a microphone. He grinned, but he was obviously trying not to.

   "Every time? You're gonna do this EVERY-"

   "Captain, are you RAISING YOUR VOICE? At an AMERICAN CITIZEN? That is NOT very patriotic of you, I must say." Sebastian cut in quickly, gasping a little. You placed your hand on your chest and pretended to weep. Chris picked up a sofa cushion and hit you both over the head with it.

   "You too, Sebastian? She's ENGLISH, she isn't an American citizen."

   "Uh, I'm American whenever I wanna be, Cap'n." You hammed up your fake accent and raised your eyebrow. Chris collapsed beside you as you clicked sassily, and he quickly started to tickle your stomach. You shrieked and almost immediately rolled off the sofa and onto the floor with a thump, groaning and holding your side. Chris, Sebastian and Jamie (your brother) laughed at you, none of them making any kind of move to help. You humphed and stood again, sitting on Chris' lap and blocking the TV from view.

   "No, no, no, absolutely not," he tipped you off his lap and onto the sofa beside him, arm around your waist so you wouldn't fall, "Brooklyn Nine Nine is on, you are not stopping me from watching Brooklyn Nine Nine." You rolled your eyes and shuffled closer to Chris, softly planting kisses all over the side of his face. Jamie clocked it straight away and groaned, pushing Chris' side so he'd fall into you and make you stop. You didn't.

   "If you don't like it, you know where the door is." You mumbled against Chris' skin, nipping it a little and making him groan. Jamie promptly got up and left, shortly followed by Sebastian. You kept kissing him, getting even more eager, until finally he turned to you to kiss you back. The second he did, you switched the recording to Parks and Recreation. His lips landed on your cheek and you quickly drew yourself away, sitting cross-legged so you were even harder to reach.

   "No, no, absolutely not, Captain, Parks and Rec is on, you are not stopping me from watching Parks andRec."You parroted his earlier words with a smug grin and Chris rolled his eyes at you, grinning himself.

   "I can't believe you. You can't just-"

   "Sh, Cap, God. You're meant to be the star-spangled man with a plan, come up with a fucking plan." You laughed.


it's super bad today, sorrysorrysorry

and it's short too

and unedited

and just generally steaming shit

in oThEr NeWs

i might be entering this writing competition which is good because i literally never send my personal short stories and stuff ANYWHERE

so go me, i guess

later loves

viv x

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