Training Wheels // Peter Parker

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When Peter found out Maia had never learned how to ride a bike, he knew he had to be the one to teach her.

For almost a year, they had been introducing each other as a significant other, giggling excitedly every time. Neither of them ever seemed to tire of the "honeymoon phase" Maia's mother reckoned they were originally going through when they first got together. Every time they saw each other, the original excited butterflies came fluttering back, every time they kissed it was euphoric and every glance in a crowded room emptied it of people. They were found, they had each other.

"I hate you, Peter." Maia announced with such definitive force he couldn't help but gasp.

"I'm baby, Maia, you know you can't say that." Peter retorted, shaking the helmet at her again. She groaned and tipped her head back childishly. She was a hair's width from stomping her feet.

"I just- I don't care about riding a bike. I can just get the bus, or drive a car."

"What if there's a zombie apocalypse? Buses won't run, cars run out of gas and would attract the attention of zombies. Bikes are your best bet."

"I will kill the zombies. I will hit them with my car."

Peter firmly planted the helmet on Maia's head. "Clearly, you know nothing about zombies. They'd swarm your car, wait till it ran out of gas, then kill ya."

A car ran dangerously close to the couple, just missing them, and that meant the car park was completely empty. Maia was free to fall off the bike and hit things, whenever she decided to actually try.

"No, because I'd be wearing denim and duct tape and I would have a big fat meat cleaver to kill them with."

"What the fuck is duct tape going to do? Make them stick together so they're easier to kill?"

Maia did up the clasp on the helmet and rested her hands on her hips. She had far too many pairs of bicycle shorts for someone who couldn't ride a bike. Peter teased her about that constantly. "Have you ever tried to bite through duct tape? It's basically impossible, and so is denim."

"They could be like super zombies, with really sharp teeth."

"Then it's a good thing I've got the meat cleaver."

"They'd get too close before you could get them."

"So I'd nail it to a spade, get 'em from a distance."

Peter bonked the helmet with his fist. "Stop trying to distract me, get on the bike!"

Maia groaned, then mounted the bike. "This is basically child abuse."

"Maia, you're eighteen."

"I'm three months younger than you, which means compared to you, I'm a child."

"That is not how it works."

"It is, I say so."

"What, and you're Jesus now?"

Maia shook her hair back regally. "I could be. Lucky you, you're dating Jesus."

"Lucky me, I'm dating you." He replied softly, putting his hand over hers on the handlebar. She gazed up at him in wonder and love and for a moment they just watched each other.

"Go on, I'll hold onto the bike. You won't fall, I promise."


Peter scooped up her hand and kissed her palm. "Really really really."

She smiled, then looked back at the stabilisers. She insisted upon them. "These aren't gonna fall off, are they?"

"I double-checked."

And she began pedalling. For an hour, she slowly cycled around the car park, with Peter's hands on the seat and the stabilisers completely firm. She didn't fall once, because it's hard to fall off a bike that has additions preventing exactly that.

Peter did what he could to instruct her in what she was doing, telling her to smooth out her movements and not jerk her legs like that. Maia said the bike wasn't a person, it didn't care if she was stupid and jerky. Peter said if she took the training wheels off and pedalled like that, she'd fall. She promptly stopped pedalling, so Peter just pushed her for a minute until she found a rhythm with the bike, and her movements weren't quite so excessively jerky.

The sun crept lower in the sky, painting the car park gold. When they could no longer see it, hiding behind a scraper, Maia stopped carefully, making sure she was completely still before she got off.

"That's enough for today, right? We've done enough biking today?" She said, practically pleading.

"We haven't even taken the stabilisers off!"

Maia whimpered, just a little, and took both of Peter's hands. "Please. I'm so tired, and this is scary."

"You can't be scared! This is so safe!" He objected. She shook her head.

"Peter, I'm fucking terrified, okay? I can't feel my fingers, my knees are wobbly, I can hardly see, my head is swimming and I am exhausted. I can't do this. I hate it. I'm scared."

Peter blinked, then pulled her into a kiss. "I- we can go as slowly as you wanna. We can keep the stabilisers on as long as you need them, you don't ever have to take them off if you don't want to. You wanna... you wanna sleep over at my house?"

Maia smiled and nodded. He squeezed her hand.

"And I'll save you from the zombies, don't worry if you don't learn how to ride a bike in time."


part two coMINg sOON

and peter n maia will be too,, if u catch my drift ;)

i am a filthy person

i have played so fucking much tomodachi life

i forgot i even had it but my sister reminded me last week and since then i have been Hooked

i'm dating seb, loki is dating wanda (the power they would have), cassie from euphoria is dating t'challa, jules (euphoria) is married to sherlock

and kat is married to nate

which is APPALLING

but i love marriage so i had to let it happen

she wants to have a baby with him

v v worried but also !!!!!!!! babies !!!!!!!!

all love

viv x

angel cake ♡ tom holland/sebastian stan/chris evans oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora