After The Storm // Sebastian Stan

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~read the storm chapter for some context before you begin x~

   "She isn't waking up, Chris, but I know she's having the nightmare, but I can't help her, I just wanna help her." Sebastian said, crying, and you jerked awake, letting out the start of a scream before composing yourself and choking on a sob. Sebastian jumped, then dropped his phone onto the floor he'd been anxiously pacing to scoop you into his arms. You were buzzing, ready to run until you died from all the pent up energy of attempting movement during that dream, shaking jerkily against Sebastian and balling up your fists on his bare chest. You could hear the faint buzz of Chris' voice on the other end of the line, so you dazedly detached yourself and picked it up, fumbling and almost dropping it but with a bizarre kind of twitchy speed.

   "Chris-" your voice squeaked and you coughed, feeling vomit rise in your throat, "We're gonna have to go, but I'm fine, don't worry about it. We'll call you- call- we'll call you back." You let the phone slip from your hand on the way to the en suite, violently throwing up into the toilet bowl, feeling Sebastian's hands on your waist keep you from collapsing head first into the mess (after a prior experience, he always made sure to keep you steady). You bawled when you finished, bursting into immediate tears and digging your nails into your legs far too hard to try and stop the shaking, and find an outlet for the slowly dying adrenaline rush. Sebastian gently tugged your hands away from your legs and you tried to fight back, beginning to cry again. He held them away from you long enough to smoothly put his arms beneath you, placing you on his lap to gently stroke your hands - still twitching erratically - and kiss wherever he could to soothe you.

   "I just don't want you to hurt yourself, doll. We can try that shower thing again instead, okay?" 

   You glanced back at him and he bobbed his head in the direction of the shower behind you. 

   "Do you want to?"

   "Yeah. I think it does help." You replied quietly, sniffling, and Sebastian's face lifted a little, just because you were responding without howling. He picked you up again and helped you undress, then started running cold water from the shower head. He nodded slowly, then glanced at you.

   "You want me to go in with you? Just in case you fall like last time?" You shook your head, lying in the motion, but you weren't about to make your boyfriend stand in freezing cold water just so you could calm down completely. He nodded, then got in behind you, fully clothed and smiling comfortingly.

   "It's okay, you don't have to- to get in with me." You whispered. He just brushed a stray hair from your forehead, then let his fingertips trail down the side of your face and come to a rest on  your chin, cradling your face like it was precious, to be handled with the utmost care.

   "I don't mind, doll." And he smiled the sweetest smile; you couldn't help but smile back.

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