Bed // Steve Rogers

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It took four hours for you to finally drift off, and only one second for you to be woken up. It had been a long tedious battle with your body demanding it wasn't at all tired, but you hadn't slept since that time last night and you needed to go the fuck to sleep or you'd literally die. Your phone was turned off and left in the kitchen to avoid temptation, the heating was off so you'd stay beneath the covers, you'd had herbal tea that made you want to vomit but it supposedly helped with sleep. All that, and it took a sixth of a fucking day for you to pass out.

But then someone knocked on the door, and you were instantly up, ready to do something other than lie in bed because evidently it was pointless. You flicked the lights in the kitchen, low and warm, and padded across the tiles to open the front door, fumbling a little with the key. And there he was.

"Hey, Steve." You smiled, squinting a little at him. He was bruised, and bleeding. This was, unfortunately, not unusual - if Steve considered himself well enough to skip the med bay, he came to your house for comfort. You weren't sure what your relationship would be considered as: when you first met, it was one of Stark's impulse plans where everyone would have a live-in nurse, and you were Steve's. That idea died, but there was something there between both of you that neither of you wanted to let go of, so then you were like a nurse he could drop in on. Soon enough, he just came over for fun, to watch movies and cook together and learn how to do that dance from a music video. And now you behaved like boyfriend and girlfriend, though you weren't too sure when that started. He smiled back, and leaned forward to gently kiss your forehead. You unthinkingly dropped your head so he could do so easier. His lips lingered longer than necessary, but you appreciated the shit out of the gesture.

"Did I wake you?"

"I was barely asleep as it was, I think you were doing me a favour."

"Can I come in?"

You nodded and took his hand, pulling him inside and closing the door, squeezing his fingers gently and bringing him back to your bedroom. He followed you readily but respectfully paused when you sat on your bed, waiting for confirmation that he could do so too. You pulled him by his suit and he sat.

"Wanna talk about it?" You asked softly, starting to take off all of his excess bullshit and put it on the floor until he just wore his tank top and trousers.

"Mission went sour. Nothing else to it."

"Did the other people win?"

He smiled at you, and your phrasing. "They didn't, we got what we needed."

"That's good." You murmured, then gently kissed his cheek before getting up and grabbing your First Aid kit from the bathroom.

"You can get a shower if you want." You offered, cleaning up the blood as best you could. He shook his head.

"I'm okay."

You nodded, then stuck a plaster over an especially large cut.

"You know that's gonna heal up in a couple hours?"

"Let me feel important, Steve." You teased, looking up from his shoulder and smoothing the ends of the plaster out. He chuckled, and you leaned back.

"C'mon." You stood up and shuffled to the other side of the bed, falling into it heavily and pulling the covers up. Steve hesitated and you propped yourself up on your elbows.

"You okay?" You asked gently. He paused, then smiled weakly and nodded.

   "Just gonna use your bathroom."

   "Mkay. Don't sneak out the window please." You murmured, falling back on the pillows. Steve chuckled at you, then left. You sighed, long and low. Finally, you felt tired, and it felt so good. Your eyelids were slipping shut and the covers were cold, but comfortably so. Thank fuck Steve came over.

   The bed sagged a little and your gluey eyes fluttered open. Steve had washed his face when he was in the bathroom - it was rubbed raw and there wasn't as much dirt on it - and he smiled at you, slipping beneath the covers. You could feel his body heat from where you were; unthinkingly, you shuffled closer to him, sighing contentedly.

   "You're so warm." You mumbled. He gently wrapped his arm around your waist and you smiled, burying your face  in his chest.

   "I listened to Hayley Kiyoko like you told me to on the Quinjet."

   "What did you think?"

   "Her voice is really good, soothing, but it kinda makes me wanna dance."

   "Me too... which song was your favourite?"

   "He'll Never Love You."

   "Oh, that is good. Did you listen to Cliffs Edge?"

   "I didn't, no."

   "Did you only listen to one album?"

   "Yeah, Expectations."

   "I'll play it to you tomorrow morning, it's really good. I think you'll like it."

   "I probably will. I listened to this other song too, by someone called Sasha."

   "What was the song called?"

   "Dancing With Your Ghost, I think."

   "I don't know that song."
   "Well after you play me your song I'll play you mine."

   "Sounds like a deal."

   He chuckled and that made you smile, though doubtless it was pretty dopey looking.

   "Thank you for everything you do, y/n." Steve whispered into your hair.

   "'S alright. I don't mind, I like being around you."

   "You do?"

   You nestled further into him, hands on his chest too now. "Of course I do. You're probably my favourite person, though you can't tell anyone I said that."

   Steve chuckled a little and pulled you closer, then he kissed the crown of your head.

   "You're my favourite person too. Night, y/n."

   "Night, Steve."


merry xmas eve !!

(to those who celebrate that kinda thing - merry random day in december if not !!)

my seb stan fan acc (buckysbxtch on instagram if y'all are interested lmao) is sorta thriving?? like one of my posts has 69 (kansiahasjiahsiahsiahsi) likes which is wild !!

and i went to town yesterday with the intention of spending some early xmas money but all i bought was batteries lmao

all love

viv x

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