Fight // Peter Parker

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   The weather, thankfully, was amazing. It was 10 in the evening and the sun was only just setting at camp. For the end of 10th Grade, Flash organised a camp-thing in these wood cabins in the middle of some random woods. I don't really understand why we couldn't just have a nice party in a hotel or something, but whatever, I suppose the weekend away from my insane family'll do me good. I guess I thought that it would be an opportunity to spend some time with Peter, but after yesterday... I just can't. He wouldn't want me to. I mean, what did he even mean by saying I couldn't know? Couldn't know WHAT? And yeah, we weren't technically dating, but we were close. We were on the edge of something good, I KNEW we were, but I guess it didn't mean shit to him. Maybe he's just commitmentphobic.

   "Okay, umm," Betty said, "Spider-man, Iron Man and Loki."

   "Well, obviously, marry Loki." I laughed and they all squealed. I was sharing my cabin with Betty, MJ and a girl called Liz who moved away last year, just a few months before I came over from England. I'd never met her before but we're really friendly now. Peter liked her last year and I guess I should be jealous or something, but I kind of think I dodged a bullet with him. "Oh, um, eff Spider-Man and kill Iron Man."

   "Why LOKI?" Liz asked from her bunk, dangling her long slender legs over the edge. I could see why Peter liked her.

   "I think the whole 'villain-hero' thing's cool. And he's sort of hot." I giggled and they all laughed at me. MJ didn't look up from her book. I stood up off my chair and stood on it. I was bunking with Betty and MJ had the bottom like me, though she was sat on Betty's bunk anyway.

   "MJ, I'm asking you now. Oooh, here you go." I said, putting up my hand to count on my fingers. "Captain America, Thor and Black Widow." She finally tore her eyes away from her book to roll her eyes and looked at me.

   "Kill Cap, kill Thor, kill Black Widow." Then she looked down at her book while we laughed.

   "What are you even READING?" I asked, leaning over the barriers to the top. I didn't get an answer because an enormous cheer went up round camp and we all looked in sync at the door. What sounded like every single person that came with us started chanting 'fight'. We all glanced at each other, then got up and started running out of the cabin, half-in-half-out of dressing gowns and slippers. The entire camp was gathered around the fire pit, yelling and whooping. I fought through everyone, cursing my stupidity for not wearing more decent pyjamas (stupid loose T-shirt, not covering shit) and then stopped dead at the front of the crowd. Peter and Flash were throwing punches and trying to floor each other, all the while yelling stuff. I zoned the chanting out and listened to what they were saying.

   "She doesn't LIKE YOU, Penis."

   "At least people actually like me."

   "And you want her but look at that, she hasn't said a word to you all day. She smiled at me, Penis, why hasn't she smiled at you?"

   "She has smiled at me, and at least I don't talk about her like you do."

   "I don't do shit about talking to her."

   "FOR FUCKS SAKE FLASH, Y/N DOESN'T LIKE YOU." I brought my hand up to my mouth. Great, now people are fucking fighting because of me. I walked over to the pump beside the pit (for in case the fire gets too out of hand), filled up a bucket, staggered over with it, then tipped it over both of them. Everyone cheered as they stopped, wiping the water out of their eyes. For good measure, I threw the bucket at them. It clocked Flash on the head, then ricocheted into Peter's. Everyone laughed but I stayed deadly serious, hands on hips. They looked over at me, confused. Then they looked embarrassed.

   "What was this shit about?" I asked, waving my hand over the entire pit. Even in my pyjamas with my dressing gown around my elbows I had more authority than anyone else around. Neither of them said anything.

   "Come on, you obviously had no problem talking shit to each other earlier." I demanded. Flash opened his mouth.

   "Do you like Penis?"

   "Personally I don't care about the down-there area." Everyone laughed. "Answer my question."

   "Do we have to have this out here?" Peter asked, blinking his gorgeous brown eyes at me. That always made me melt and I was basically anything he needed me to be, but that was back when he didn't hate me.

   "Yes, Peter, we're having this here. You were all too happy to try and punch Flash's lights out like five seconds ago in front of everyone. What, you gonna say no-one else can know this either? Is no-one allowed to know anything in your eyes? What, is no-one enough for you?" I asked venomously while everyone oohed. He went red and Flash crowed.

   "Told you she didn't like you." He smirked and I glared at him.

   "Flash, shut the fuck up." I said simply, inspecting my perfect nails. "Come on, I guess I have all night, but these need a different colour, so let's get it over with. Why were you fighting?" I looked back up and neither of them said anything.

   "I was just talking and Penis flipped-"

   "What were you saying?"

   "I was just saying stuff-"

   "He said he was gonna sneak into your cabin and-"

   "Enough." I said, wincing slightly. "I know what I need to know. Flash, go back to your cabin and for fucks sake, STAY THERE. Umm, Jason, clean him up. Yes, I know you don't want to do it, just get on with it. Peter, Ned, come on." I said, sighing, then walked back to the cabin while everyone else dispersed, girl gang and the two boys in tow. When we got in I looked down at the floor and asked everyone to leave.

   "What? Why?" Ned asked, stepping towards me. Liz took his arm and gently guided him out, nodding at me supportively. I smiled at her, then they shut the door. I sighed, facing away from Peter, then grabbed one of MJ's books and threw it at his head. He only just dodged it.

   "What the fuck, Peter? Why? Why would you do that?" I yelled.

   "Look, y/n, I-"

   "No, shut up! You don't ever listen to me, you just do what you think is best. Taking on Flash? Seriously? That was needed, was it? What if he got seriously hurt? What if YOU got seriously hurt? What then?" I stopped, starting to cry. He stood up and came closer to me. I pushed him away but he held me close and I gave up, sobbing on his shoulder.

   "Sh, it's okay." He whispered into my hair, stroking my back. I pulled away again, then walked over to our little bathroom and brought the First Aid kit out. I sat on a stool and told him to sit on the floor, then carefully wiped away the blood. He winced and I shushed him gently, then stuck a plaster on his forehead.

   "What was he even saying, anyway?" I asked quietly.

   "He said he would go into your cabin and you'd go into the woods together and have sex. He was very detailed about what he wanted to do and I couldn't listen to him talk like that about you." He replied. I smiled sadly, then sat back.

   "I'm so sorry, y/n."

   "It's okay, you didn't say anything-"

   "No, not about this. About yesterday. I didn't mean it, I wasn't thinking. I miss you already. I want to be with you." He whispered, looking up at me. Oh, the eyes. I sighed and sat on the floor in front of him.

   "P, I don't know what to say-"

   "Don't say anything. You don't have to. Just you being here is enough. Am I forgiven?" Then I did something I never thought I'd ever be bold enough to do. I leaned over and kissed him. He carefully put his hand on my waist and I placed mine on his cheek, smiling against him. I pulled back slowly.

   "I'm taking that as a yes."


hey loves

i'm sorta writer's blocked up

(is that a thing?)

if anyone has a request, just ask

all my love

viv x

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