Young And Beautiful // Peter Parker

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   Everything from Peter's apartment to the pier was blurry. Snippets of messy running, tripping, bumping into people bled around the confused time like sounds slipping into the rhythm of a dream. You could feel your breath run out and throat grow raw and scratchy but fear kept your aching legs pumping, kept you getting right back up the second you fell over. You could see the fire from Peter's bedroom, where you'd been waiting for him to come home so you could go out for pizza (it was Pizza Thursday, you always went out for pizza because Thursdays your stepdad was home from where he worked in California and you couldn't stand the man), but running through the streets only the stomach-curdling smoke was visible.

   Everyone was fleeing the opposite direction to you, so sprinting through the current was difficult and more than one well-meaning adult had tried to turn you the other way to get away from the danger. But you knew your dumb-ass boyfriend would be there - because when was he not putting his life at stake for no reason - and you knew you had to be. You'd paid enough for those stupid advanced First Aid classes so you could help him when you needed to; you might've forgotten to put your shoes back on, but you'd grabbed May's First Aid kit before starting on your way.

   Your feet hit the burning sand and you jumped at the burst of heat on your previously frozen-numb feet, the leap taking you forward faster. Debris from what looked like a plane was strewn across the loose golden grains, thick pieces titling in the wind and melting into sandy goo. The flames were everywhere, blistering and threatening and making you sweat ridiculously beneath your shirt, enough to soak it and make it stick like a second skin. You panted and tore it off, leaving it on the floor beside a plane seat so you'd remember it and go back to retrieve it.

   "PETER!" You hollered, choking almost instantly on the spike of smoke hitting your throat. The only movement was misleading plane parts tipping slowly over - each time you slowed your sprint like an idiot before speeding right back up.

   "Peter fucking Parker, if you don't show your ass in the next three seconds I-" You hollered, eyes smarting and arms flailing a little in desperation like you were a tantruming child when you were cut off by Peter limping hurriedly toward you, gripping his bleeding thigh and trying to sniff blood back up his nose. You flung yourself forward into him, relief overriding the thought of how it might hurt Peter more than he already was hurt. He grunted quietly before slowly wrapping his arms around your waist, every movement obviously strained.

   "Oh my God, P, what the Hell happened?" You whispered into his shoulder, knowing he wouldn't answer for a little while. He sniffed again - you felt his blood on your bare shoulder - and lifted his head, keeping his arms around your waist to keep himself upright.

   "You know how it is."

   "P." You said simply and his eyes glazed over, then he started to sit on the sands, wincing at every jerking movement. You hurriedly did the same and lowered him with you, making sure he was as comfortable as he was going to be. When he was sat stiffly, he sighed and shakily grasped your hands. You stared down at them because you knew he was. Both of them were bathed in darkly romantic light from the flames, but his were growing slick with blood. It made you want to take him home and never let him leave, or at the very least kill any bastard who ever dared fuck with him. Peter choked on what sounded a little like a sob, then rubbed his thumbs over your skin. You were full aware he was too out of it to notice his thick blood smearing across your hand; you weren't going to point it out.

   "Have you got your phone?" He mumbled, and a worryingly large teardrop fell onto your joined hands.

   "Aunt May knows I came looking for you." You replied to soothe him.

   "But have you got your phone?"

   You looked up. He wasn't looking at your hands - he was looking straight at you with those exhausted eyes. A soft sigh slipped your lips and you patted the pockets on your jeans, then sighed again.

   "I left it charging at your house. Sorry, P. Who do you need to call?"

   "No-one. I just..." he dropped your hands to hide his head in his own, "It's so quiet. I hate it." 

   Your eyes welled up and you shuffled forward, Peter instantly resting the top of his head on your chest. A long exhale rolled over your front from Peter and you could hear the anticipation and relief when you started to sing the first song that came to mind and tangle your fingers in his hair. You pulled softly on it at the end of every line, and it didn't take long for you to realise that it wasn't damp just because of sweat; it looked like you'd torn someone's heart from their body and squeezed, but you didn't really want to think about that.

   "No longer young, and beautiful..."

   "Will you still love me," Peter crooned brokenly back ad you smiled, tears spilling over your cheeks.

   "When I've got nothing,"

   "But my aching soul,"

   "I know that you will," you both sang together, "I know that you will, I know that you will..." You trailed off and Peter sat properly to gently press his lips against yours. When he drew back you cupped his face in your hands, staring him solemnly in the eyes.

   "I love you, P. One day you're not gonna have to hurt yourself like this all the time, and even if you do have to I'll still be here. Even when we're not young and beautiful, I'll still be here. I'll still love you."


hey honeys

(i dont think i've ever called anyone honey before not-sarcastically. i sorta like it)

i'm in borderline Breakdown Mode

but ah well

i said i'd be back sunday but now it's tuesday and i am so sorry it took so long

but i'm back!

and that's good!


i had an amazing time today/the day before

VeronicaJayMorris and KaceRM came over

and we watched cabin in the woods

it was really really scary 

(to me)

so sorry veronica for holding your hand like the pussy bitch i am

okay i need sleep and i hope if anyone's up too late like me

that you do too

s l e e p ! !

okay all my love for my loves

(it has been way too long since i said that)

viv x

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