The Winter Formal // Peter Parker

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   Winter was the time of year you disliked the most. While, realistically, it should have been the time where everyone stayed inside and out of the cold, on your way to school the streets were crowded with people bundled up and giggling white frosty clouds of breath into the air before their red faces. Buildings were strung up with Christmas lights and the ground was littered with disposable coffee cups, tripping you at every other step. You sighed, frustrated, and got onto the train that would take you straight to Midtown. It was packed so full you could feel the breath of the guy behind you falling on your neck and the frozen fingers of the boy across from you glancing off your own when the train shook. He glanced at you for a moment and both of you smiled before looking away again. You sighed again and pulled your bag up your back, willing it not to fall because if it did you would never get it back.

   Fuck winter.


   The tips of his ears, nose and cheeks had turned Rudolph-red, and the skin on his fingers was going to split if he made any movement too fast. Peter thought he would die if he did, actually.

   "I think I'm gonna ask MJ to the dance." Ned mused out loud, looking at the window, where the sky had turned white and the bare trees were screaming with wind. Peter turned to him instantly.

   "What? No, you can't."

   Ned narrowed his eyes at Peter. "I thought you said you were over her."

   "Yeah, cuz I am, it just... it feels weird that YOU'RE asking her."

   "Why, Peter? Don't you think she would agree to go with me?"

   "No, I do think she would, but I thought we were going together... you know, just two bros at the winter formal. And MJ would go with Betty, and then we'd all be there, but just as friends. You know, bros." Peter said, but he could tell Ned wasn't listening to a word.

   "Yeah, but I really wanna shoot my shot. I mean, she's a great person, and she could probably like, kill me, if she wanted to."

   Peter put his head on one side, but chose not to question it.

   "You know what Peter, you should ask Betty, then we're all still going together!"

   Peter shook his head and looked back down at his Chemistry homework. "I don't like Betty like that, and I just want to be a bro at the winter formal. I mean come ON, bros at the winter formal!"

   "Words of a boy, Peter. I'm a man, they mean nothing to me. You should just ask somebody, anybody, it's tomorrow night and there are a tonne of girls who have no-one to go with. Who knows, they might be the one."

   And Ned went back to making the LEGO Friends set his mom got with the paper.


   "Are you going to the winter formal?" Cassie asked, biting into her apple as she finished but not taking her eyes from yours as she did. It was a little disconcerting, actually.

   "Yeah, no. I hate formals."

   "You say that every year. One year you're gonna have to stop hating the formals and go with me! I can't go with a date-date every year, there are only so many gays I can ask before I'm back where I started, I'm gonna have to take a friend-date and that friend-date has to be you."

   "Someone threw a dildo and a bottle of lube at me at my middle school spring formal because people sent around a video of a girl masturbating with a hairbrush and said it was me. I refuse to have anymore dildos or lube thrown at me."

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