Trust Issues // Peter Parker

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   The thin cream pages of your old copy of The Fault In Our Stars fluttered in the wind and your hair did the same. You tucked it absently behind your ear and smoothed the pages you'd already read down. On doing so, you checked your cracked watch again. 4:39. He was late. Again. And you'd been too much of an idiot to leave, to get out of the cold, to read The Fault In Our Stars on your bed with hot chocolate rather than sat on a freezing brick wall that made your butt go numb. You sighed and put your book back in your bag, then hopped off the wall and started to make your way home. You passed by his house and thought about knocking. Surely that wouldn't be bad? I mean, he's your boyfriend, and he stood you up again, you can just ask his parents if they know where he went, show up and confront him. Your shaky legs lead you to his front door and you raised your hand to knock when you heard it - the moan that sounded an awful lot like it came from your boyfriend. You jumped a little, then looked around, thinking it was a prank or something. You looked over at his car and your entire body froze, then your legs lead you forward to see, even though you didn't want to. And there he was. In the backseat. With someone else. Having sex.


   "Peter? Peter, please pick up, I need to talk to you, please pick up." You cried quietly into the phone, curled up in the fire exit of his building and trying not to be too loud. It'd been an hour and you still didn't want to go back to your own flat in the same apartment building because it was covered in memories of him, and that was too much salt for the wound. You ended the message and let your phone fall into your lap, drawing your knees up to your chest and crying into your forearms. 

   "Y/n?" You heard Peter's worried, if a little bemused, voice and took your heavy head out of your hands, then got up quickly and gripped your phone with as much strength as you could muster so you wouldn't throw yourself at him.

   "I'm really sorry, I just-" You didn't finish because Peter immediately stepped closer and wrapped his arms around you, pulling him into you and rocking you a little. The second he did, you started bawling, your entire body shaking with the sobs and hands clutching his sweater. You stayed embracing for another few minutes, then Peter started to pull away. You were cold where he'd been so you wrapped your arms around yourself.

   "What happened?"

   "Flash. Flash happened." Peter's face fell and he nodded, because it was FLASH - no further explanation needed. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and held you into his chest again.

   "You know he doesn't deserve you, y/n."

   "Yeah right."

   "He really doesn't. You shouldn't worry about him. Just dump him. Publicly. Humiliate his ass." You giggled damply, then stepped back again, gazing up at him solemnly and pleadingly.

   "Can I ask you a serious question, P?"

   "Uh, yeah, of course."

   "Was I a good girlfriend?"


   "If I was a better girlfriend he wouldn't have needed to cheat on me. He-" Peter raised his hand and webbed your mouth like he was Spider-Man. Both of your eyes widened and you just stared in shock at one another. You tried to open your mouth, but it wouldn't move because of the web. You rolled your eyes a little and pointed at it, looking at him expectantly. He jumped forward and started to gently prise it off your lips.

   "Fucking idiot." Was the first thing you said when you had the chance and Peter laughed at you, still studiously pulling the web away. Finally, it came off and you picked up his hand, inspecting it.

   "How'd that work?" He pulled his sleeve back a little and revealed a tiny web-shooter.

   "Huh. That's cool." You smiled. He looked at you confusedly.

   "You aren't gonna- You-"

   "Sh, Peter. I could be screaming and generally acting really super surprised that you're... you know, but honestly, I can't be bothered right now. Flash fucked around, that's where my head's at right now, not my best friend being a cool guy superhero." You smiled gently.

   "So you wouldn't..."

   "Wouldn't what?" Barely a second passed before he webbed your stomach and pulled you back into him, softly putting his mouth over yours, shaky hands cradling your face. You didn't even hesitate before kissing him back desperately, thanking Flash for being such a dick to you. The entire time you'd dated him, you'd had a crush on Peter, but you couldn't do anything about it, because you were a faithful girlfriend. And now you didn't have to be.

   "You should sleep over." He murmured into your neck, kissing it gently and working over your jawline. You rolled your head back, gripping his shoulders harder.

   "Why would I do that?"

   "Because your entire bedroom is covered in Flash. I'd be scarred sleeping there." 

   You giggled and he kissed up to your ear, then softly bit the lobe.

   "And because I'm home alone tonight. I plan to fuck you on every conceivable surface."

   "Mm, I'd be disappointed if you didn't."











also, tea is s c a l d i n g   h o t today, go to my rant book if you want me to spill it


viv x

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