Oscars // Sebastian Stan

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   "Here come the men in black." You sang teasingly when you spotted Sebastian and Chris approaching, shimmying your shoulders and winking. You were all going to the Oscars, and much to your dismay, they were both wearing all black, though you'd just about managed to convince them both to wear a different coloured shirt than white (Sebastian's dark blue, Chris' dark green). You, obviously, chose to show them how it was done - you were wearing a well cut light blue silk suit, nothing beneath, and you'd never cared less about the price of something in your life (almost 50,000 dollars well spent, in your eyes). Sebastian almost ripped it when he first saw you in it in his haste to get it off, though he said he did like it. Chris grinned while Sebastian started to strut smoothly towards you, acting like Will Smith while you pretended to be paparazzi and snap pictures.

   "This way, Mr Smith, just turn a little- oh YES, Will, that's beautiful, gorgeous, just do that! Yes, perfect, PERFECT!" You encouraged enthusiastically, crouching a little and side-stepping while you continued to pretend. Chris laughed, leaning back and tapping the side of his chest as Sebastian struck diva poses, puckering up his lips and putting his hands on his hips.

   "Yes, honey, the camera LOVES you! Work it, work it!" Chris stammered when he'd nearly gotten over his hysterical laughter, doing the same thing as you. Sebastian started to strut again and you whistled before he wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a quick kiss to keep you quiet. You blushed, because you still went red with delight anytime he was intimate with you. Chris continued to be an idiot, snapping pretend pictures.

   "Oh my God, are they dating? I would've never guessed this, ever, at all, ever, even though the only thing they ever do is kiss!" He gasped, clutching his heart and stepping closer to you both. You rolled your eyes and laughed at him, pulling away from Sebastian to flick Chris' forehead and start towards the car waiting on the road in front of your apartment block. Sebastian immediately caught up with you and held the door open, ever the gentleman and making you smile.

   "Thank you, I can open the door myself though." You joked when him and Chris got in after you.

   "Yeah I know, but I can see your chest better when you lean down to get in." He grinned and you groaned, leaning over Chris to fake punch his chin.  He gasped, then, in slow motion, did the same back to you. It took a matter of seconds for all three of you to have engaged in a childish slow motion fight, a mess of slow-moving limbs and drawn-out cries of pain, all the way to the red carpet.

   "We're here." The driver said, and you didn't miss the judgemental look he gave in the mirror. You gave one right back, then stepped out of the car when someone opened the door for you. You smiled at the boy, then turned to the cameras, smiling readily. Chris and Sebastian stood on either side of you, and you started to walk down the carpet together, doing quick interviews then went inside, to your table. Sebastian pulled your chair out for you and you half-smiled at him before sitting, feeling his hands brush your back before he sat next to you. 

   "Are you excited?" He asked, glancing around the rapidly filling room.

   "Not really. Am I meant to be?" You replied, tilting your head. 

   "You do realise you were nominated?"

   "Yeah, I know. There are just other things I'd rather be doing right now." You shrugged, but held eye contact for a second longer than necessary. Sebastian paused for a second, then grinned a little before looking down to hide it.

   "Oh yeah? Like what?" He asked teasingly.

   You didn't hesitate to reply. "You." He choked on nothing and glanced up at you. You winked slightly and sipped your water. Sebastian looked around your table, then stood suddenly.

   "We won't be back. Text me if we win something, we're going home." He said, then took your hand and took you out of the building, wasting no time to hide his hand on the small of your back or his lips on your neck when you waited on the curb for the Uber.

   You both won everything you were nominated for.

   You preferred what you did instead of getting your awards.


hello hello

this was short/underwhelming


i'm just panicking because of school tomorrow 

i really don't want to go back

there are infinite things i could be doing instead

but whatever

love y'all

viv x

angel cake ♡ tom holland/sebastian stan/chris evans oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now