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Alli visited Arjun's practice site.,She is curious to see him practice but did not venture to go. But her adventurous spirit did not let her stay back from going there. She could not go because Arjun practiced so early and she is not able to get up that early.
But Alli finally got up and walked towards the place which she once watched from her terrace. As she reached there Arjun is full of concentration and Gandiv is seriously bending as he likes. Alli observed the fastness with which he is fixing and releasing the arrow. And the left hand usage. She wondered at how he is equally proficient with that hand also.She sat there a little away from him behind the big mango tree.
Because of not used to walking that much she got exhausted. Arjun suddenly felt some one watching him and turned back. He was clearly surprised to see Alli there. He came nearer. Just then the sun rays are making their presence felt. The rays are falling on Alli's face and she is glowing in golden colour. Arjun approached and placed his hand on her shoulder. Why did you come here so early? Is every thing well? Any important matter to discuss? He asked with concern.
Alli's face turned red. Why? I can't come here to see you otherwise? She asked bluntly. Arjun smiled at her reaction. Did I say that? But I would have come to you had you sent a message. He said in a soft voice.
Alli taunted. You will come to me? How many times you promised but broke your promise? Don't worry. I just came to watch you practice.Not to steal your time. Alli said with bitterness.
Arjun observed she is gasping for breath due to exertion. He went to the adjacent lake and brought water with the bowl he uses daily after practice.He made her drink water and Alli felt relieved
. Arjun silently watched her and asked. Say something. Alli suddenly admitted. I didn't like your cousins. They are ill mannered. Arjun sighed. What is new in that? Both of them must have made some nasty comments he thought. He asked the same. Alli revealed. Previous day they introduced themselves to her and tried to grill her about her reaction to Arjun's behaviour with her in Madhurai.
Arjun got angry. He remembered his Madhav's words. They would definitely try to make an issue of it. What did you tell them? He asked her doubtfully.Alli teased him with a smile. That you forced me to accept you as my husband by manipulating me cheating me.Arjun became serious and stretched his hand to take his Gandiv that he kept near the tree
. Alli stopped him by placing his hand round her shoulder. So angry? I can't believe that you who look so nice can show that much anger. Alli is enjoying this early morning encounter with him.Arjun still is silent. Alli placed her hands round his neck and admitted looking into his eyes with love. Ulupi predicted that I will get a daughter and son also. Arjun felt happy. His Pragati will have a sister if Alli gets a daughter.
But what did Alli tell his cousins? That is bothering him.Alli understood his tension. She kept her head on his heart drawing nearer to him. I told them I very much wished to be your wife and Goddess granted my wish. Arjun felt relieved. He rewarded her by kissing her on her forehead but just then heard the voice of Duryothan from behind.
Arjun, So the day begins with this for you. Great. Arjun held Alli tightly and looked back. Duryothan is smiling his trademark smile. Beside him stood his friend Anga Raj looking into Arjun's face with a smirk. What is so surprising? Arjun enjoys his amorous adventures just like he enjoys his archery. Karn said in a sarcastic tone.
Well said AngRaj ,Krishna's voice is heard from behind.Parth has the unique appeal to impress his rivals with his archery and his women with his charm.Isnt it Alli? Krishna asked mischeously.
Arjun felt relieved on seeing Krishna. Alli smiled at Krishna and unhesitantly answered. Yes Govind. That is true. I am the live example. In fact all his wives can bear testimony for that. She side glanced Karn with a teasing smile on her lips. Karn's face turned grim and he asked Duryothan.Shall we move over? Both of them cast glances of jealousy at Arjun and Alli and left. ..
.The evening bore a festive look as There is a beautiful dance performance to be presented by Jayanti the Rajanartaki's daughter.

Indraprasth Royal family always encouraged fine arts as they felt that it is essential to encourage not only warfare but the special talents such as music, dance ,dramas ,painting etc also need to be given equal prominence for the all round growth of a person. The famous duo Krishna and Arjun themselves are artists and took care in providing infra structure to such arts.
Whenever they go on vihara yatras they took musicians and dancers along with them. As per the custom of those days the main dancer is called Raja Nartaki and she will present herself in the Royal court and dance on important occasions.They are allowed to spend their life with the person they like and get children. On some occasions The king or any one from the Royal Family can exclusively have them by giving them the rights of a wife. The present Raja Nartaki Kalavati used to be in Hastinapur and she is fortunatenough to wed one of the Army commanders of Hastinapur.
She is an expert dancer and only on special occasions she used to exhibit her skill with the permission of her husband. When Pandavas developed Indraprasth, like so many in Hastinapur she also came to Indraprasth with her four year daughter Jayanti. By then due to her misfortune she lost her husband in one of the battles fought on behalf of Hastinapur.
She is a friend of Priyamvada and enjoyed the care and concern of Kunti and Pandavas. Her daughter Jayanti is now Eighteen years old and learnt dance with dedication. As is the custom she is given an opportunity to present her talent for the first time before the Royal family and their guests. Generally Nakul looks after these things with interest and arranges concerts or dances.
Jayanti is getting ready for her performance. Kalavati came to her and gave her final tips. Be dignified and do your job. Concentrate only on your dance. Jayanti asked. Will every one be present there? I mean all the Pandavas and Govind. Kalavati replied curtly. Don't bother about who attends and who won't. Pay tribute to Natarajasundar. (Siva) ..
.Ulupi sent message to her father to send Iravan. He replied positively. Iravan may reach Indraprasth in a couple of days. Though she is pleased to have him here she has her own doubts. Will Arjun love Iravan the way he loves his other children? Iravan was born in Sadyogarbha that is why he already is fifteen years old. He inherited his father's looks,the dark complexion,the curly hair ,and the hazel eyes. He did not meet his father yet. Sometimes he used to trouble her with questions like Mata, why we don't live with our father? Did he leave us forever?
Ulupi tried her best to convince him that his father has greater responsibilities to bear and can not come back. An year back her father took him to heaven to be trained in warfare. Arjun's son should excell in battle skills. Already it is late. Let him learn those skills in heaven.Kauravya said thus and admitted him in heaven. Now since every one assembled here she also wants her son to meet his family especially his illustrious father.
Are you daydreaming? Chitra approached Ulupi and shook her from her thoughts. She already wore the sary given by Subhadra. Ulupi remembered. She also has to wear the same sari. As she got ready and came out, Chitra let out a shriek and exclaimed. What if he gets confused on seeing us? If he comes to you thinking that it is me tell truth.Dont steal my chance. She winked at her. Ulupi laughed at her bubbly nature and retorted. Well. I will reveal. Only after fulfilling my purpose. Chitra laughed and they started for the Nritya Bhavan.
Alli and Arya also had the same Nokjhok regarding their same saries. Alli told Rekha. Let us cover our faces under veils.we all are of same height. It is really funny to see him confused. Rekha smiled and said. Don't underestimate his shrewdness.He will have his own ways to identify us.
Arya already reached the venue with her son. Kunti touched her head and blessed. I don't know why I always feel I am seeing Maa Parvati in you. This colour especially made you look Devine. Her words made Arya blush. Subhadra came with Abhi and asked. Bua, where is your son? Not seen since breakfast. Abhi is asking for him and I have no idea where he is. Kunti told her. Phalgun is at the Yajnasala construction site with Kanha. Some important portion is getting constructed today. He may come late. By the way Bhadra you look cute in this Rani pink.
Rukmini should be praised . How nice of her to bring same saris to all of you. Where is Bahu?Till half an hour back she is in kitchen looking after the dinner arrangements. As Kunti finished her sentence,she saw Panchali and Priyamvada coming towards them with Pragati and Kirti. Satya who just entered with Rukmini exclaimed. Panchali, You look awesome in this colour. Wait, your waist belt I didn't see it before. How lustrous it is?
Panchali looked embarassed. She doesn't want to reveal the truth that Arjun gifted her that. She gave Pragati to Kunti and told her. I will see the arrangements for the guests to watch the dance performance. Maasi,Will you see if Jayanti is ready for her dance?
Priyamvada went to the personal make up room of Kalavati and returned after a while with grim face. At that moment, Theguards announced King's arrival followed by Bhimsen and Sahadev The grandfather , Drupad,Acharya Dron, Duryothan,Dussasan,Karn and Sakuni.Important members of the Royal court are also present. Draupadi checked the puja arrangements at the big idol of Nataraj. The priest became ready to make Jayanti do puja. Kalavati in her Make up room got tensed up. Jayanti did not wear Specially made Payal on her feet.

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