Auditions | Charlotte x Minji x Kim-ly

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Author's Note: This is my first time writing a threesome, so I apologize if I do anything wrong with this! Anyways, this ship was requested by Kim-lyFlicker, thank you for requesting! Hope you enjoy!


(ahahah, no prompt here, just writing my own one along the way)



"Guys!" I yell excitedly as I ran towards my friends, Minji and Kim-ly. Turning, they watched as I took a breather (panted), then waited for me to continue.

"They're holding auditions for this weekend!" I finally continued. Seeing the looks of confusion on their faces told me that I needed to explain further.

"Well, the community is doing a play, sort of like a theater thing, and anyone can audition!"

"Cool! What's the play going to be about anyways?" Kim-ly asks, looking at the brochure I was holding. I handed it to her, which she took a few minutes to read.

"You guys want to join? We could practice together," I said, kinda with a bit of a pleading voice. I really wanted to audition, but I can't do it without them.

They both looked at the brochure, nodded their heads at each other, then turned to me and smiled.

"Let's do it!" Minji said enthusiastically. I smiled back at them. I couldn't have asked for any other friends.

Since the try-outs were this coming weekend, we decided to start practicing. We went to Kim's house, because she has the most space (because she only has one sibling while the two of us has more family members).

We practiced all afternoon, and we got pretty good at the parts! It was really fun practicing with my two friends, with them here practicing with me, I lost most of my jitters and even if I messed up on a part or something, they help me up and help me practice harder.

In total, at the end of the week, we were worn out, but happy and excited to audition.

"I think we're ready!" Kim-ly says, reading the last of her part. We nodded and smiled excitedly.

We head to the community center, where they were holding the auditions. Minji looks a bit nervous while we were walking there, so we reassured her that we would all be there for her.

"Thanks, I'm just a bit nervous," she responds. "I've never performed in front of many people before..."

"No matter what, we'll be there for you," I say, patting her on the shoulder sympathetically.

During the auditions, I forgot a few of my lines, but improvised and managed to finish! Minji and Kim-ly probably did much better than I did, but I had fun doing so!

The list of the people who would be chosen for parts would be posted tomorrow, so we got time to waste at the moment.

"You guys did so good!" I exclaimed when we walked out of there.

"I actually felt like I was going to die up there on the stage," Kim-ly admits, turning red. "But I know that even if I don't get the part, I'll still have you guys!"

"Me, I think I messed up badly on some lines," Minji says, folding her hands behind her back. "But I thought of you guys, which also kept me going!"

"You guys are so sweet!" I said, smiling. "We'll always be friends to the end."

We hug it out (cause it felt like the right time to), and walk the way home, together.

(oof, I had no ideas for this prompt, but I hope you like it! A short, fluffy one keeps me going, xD, lots of love everyone!~)

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