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At about 6:30 a.m., I managed to wake up and get ready so that I could grab us both a coffee from the diner before going to pick up Jax. I quickly went in and ordered us both a two cream, two sugar coffee to go. I paid the $3.50 and managed to get to the station, right before 8 a.m. 

Jax came waltzing out of the station, not even 5 minutes later, giving me a kiss before getting in the drivers seat. He drove us to the clubhouse, so while he drove, I sipped my coffee. 

"Did you manage to get any sleep?" I asked him. He just shook his head no and that was the end of that one-sided conversation. He got to the club house and we both got out of the car. Some of the club was crowded outside by the picnic tables. 

"Bliss?" I heard Happy call and I turned to him as Jax went to the picnic tables. 

"What's up Happy?" I  asked with a smile. 

"Not too much, came to see how you were holding up?" He asked, in his monotone voice. He had a blank expression on his face as always. 

"I'm doing okay considering everything going on." I shrugged because I wasn't exactly sure about the reaction he was expecting to come from me. 

"Look, I know I haven't really been there," Happy began to apologize and I didn't want that.

"Happy, I don't want you to apologize. I have been dealing and I know you. You're not sentimental. It's okay." He gave me a hug, but still managed to scare the prospect while doing it. I heard my phone ring and I answered it. 


"Bliss? It's Gemma. I'm up in Oregon at my dad's. Tig was shot. I need your help." I pinched the bridge of my nose. 

"Alright, I'll be up there by the end of the day." I walked over to Jax. 

"Jax, I gotta go up to Oregon. Your mom needs help." I saw the look he gave me. "I don't want to either, but I can't leave her high and dry." 

Jax took a breath and nodded. "Alright. Be careful Liss." I nodded up at him and was going to walk away and he pulled me into him and kissed me, he was careful not to pull me into him too hard. 

"I love you Jax." I gave him a small smile before leaving him standing there beside Clay and Chibs. I got into my car and drove to the house and packed a bag. I left soon after that. The whole drive, I just managed to think about Jax, Abel, and our unborn child. I wondered if Abel would ever come home. I wondered what would happen if Abel never comes home. Would Jax be the same with our child? Would he spiral and end up leaving us? Or would he wind up dead? 

Before I had even realized it, I was in Oregon pulling up to Gemma's fathers house. I got out and went inside, helping Tig by cleaning out his wound. 

"What happened?" 

"Nate shot me." I just kept my mouth shut, I knew Nate didn't do it on purpose. We had realized that Nate had gone missing and that was when Gemma showed me Amelia in the basement. Later that day, I had gone downstairs to check on her and she had knocked me out. 

When I came to, I went upstairs and helped Gemma. We had accidentally killed her. Tig called a guy named Bachman and he came and cleaned up the mess that we had left behind. We had spent that day just packing boxes until Jax and Clay showed up. I had been having headaches from being knocked out but I left it. I went outside with Gemma and that's when Nate saw Clay and Jax. 

"What are you doing here?" Nate asked Clay. 

"He's just here to help you move, dad." Gemma stepped in to help him with Clay being there. 

"I don't want his help. This is what killed your mother!" I was taken back with what he said. I didn't know the history but that is crazy. 

My headache raged on, but being pregnant, I refused to take anything. I helped Clay and Jax with boxes while Gemma tended to her father. I walked down the basement stairs and set down my box, which was light since they wouldn't let me carry anything heavy, I rubbed my temples as Clay and Jax began to walk back upstairs. 

"Are you alright?" Clay asked. 

"Yeah just a headache." I gave him a pained smile. "Can't you take tylenol?" 

"I could but I won't." I saw him nod and Jax gave me a look but he walked over to me and handed me a photo. It was a picture of Abel with a hat on. 

"My baby, where is he?" Tears filled my eyes and looked up at Jax with hope in my eyes. 

"Vancouver." Jax stated and I felt sad and relieved. We knew where he was but he was still so far away. 

"You're skipping out on bail to go and get him." He confirmed my suspicions and I nodded. I sighed as I sat down. "I have to stay here don't I?" 

"Yeah." He said softly. I pinched the bridge of my nose. 

"I want to find Abel so badly but I don't want to be away from you during this." I said while motioning to my pregnant belly. I was probably about 25 weeks now, that is a little over half-way. 

"Christ, you'll have Piney and Kozik." He seemed like he was getting mad. 

"Oh and you think that if I go into labor I want Piney or Kozik in the freaking room with me." I was getting angrier by the second. "You're the god damn father." 

"Yeah a father who has to go look for his kid, which you let get kidnapped." He yelled at me. I felt my heart drop and I stepped back away from him. 

"Still blaming me I see. I wanted so badly to save him and I wasn't enough. Don't you think I've beaten myself up enough over it?" I saw Jax's eyes soften a little bit. 

"If you want to be an old lady, you need to do what you're told." He was angry that I wanted to be with him when he found Abel. 

I couldn't stop the words coming out of my mouth, "I helped your mother kill someone, is that old lady enough for you?" 

"Christ, what did you two do?" He ran his hand across his face.

"She attacked your mother, it was self defense. Tig helped us get rid of the body." Gemma came downstairs after, "I found one more." 

She noticed both of us quiet and staring at her. "What?" 

I mumbled, "He knows." And she immediately said, "Ah, shit." 

Clay and Tig came down the stairs quickly, "We gotta go!" 

"I'm dealing with something." Was all Jax replied with. 

"Yeah so are Bobby and Piney!" Tig said. Jax gave Clay the stare and Clay knew to ask, "What's going on?" 

"Apparently our lovely ladies whacked the caretaker. And this idiot helped them!" Jax pointed at Tig and Clay looked at Tig, "What?"

"Actually I just made a phone call." He said shrugging.

Clay look up and sighed, "This later!" Clay and Jax rushed up the stairs, but as Jax did, he muttered 'douche bag' to Tig. 

"What happened to 'we can't tell Jax", you ladies are killing me!" Tig rushed off with Clay and Jax and the house was silent.


A/N: All of the writing for this book is completed. I'm just going to continue updating. There are about 28 chapters to go in this book.

I have also decided to start another book which will also be Sons Of Anarchy fanfiction. There are about 7 chapters written. I am not sure if I will publish it until this book is completed but we will see. I will happy answer any questions if there is any about the new book.

Thank you for all your support.


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