Dealing with Issues

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When Jax and I pulled into his driveway, I felt the nervousness grow. We walked into the house together and the van pulled into the garage a few minutes later. 

"Jax, you'll be here right?" I asked, holding onto him tightly. 

"Yes Liss, I'll be here. I'm not leaving you." Jax kissed my forehead to try and ease my nerves. I went into the bedroom and closed the door so I could change into something more comfortable. I went into Jax's dresser and grabbed one of his shirts and then grabbed a pair of sweatpants. I slipped off my dress and was only in my bra and underwear when the door opened. Jax stood there looking sexy as hell. I slipped on his shirt and the sweatpants and then we waited for my father to attack. We were sitting in the kitchen talking when it sounded like the backdoor was opened. Jax grabbed his gun from the waistband of his jeans and went to check it out. 

I stayed in the kitchen. When I heard things breaking and Jax struggling, I grabbed a knife from the knife block and went out to the back door to find Jax and my father struggling. I came up from behind them and stabbed my father in the back. He fell to his knees and I backed up. He turned his head to look at me and there was a shocked look in his eyes, I pulled the knife out. My hand shook and Jax gently took the knife from my hand and stabbed it back into his stomach. Once he was dead, Jax pulled the knife out and called the club. 

Clay, Happy, Chibs, and Tig came in through the garage. My hands covered in my fathers blood made me a little nervous. "Doll, are you alright?" 

Tig was nice to worry about me, "Yes. I'm just going to go wash my hands." 

The guys got rid of the body while I washed my hands and changed my shirt. I walked back out to see the body gone and the guys standing there  like nothing happened. The only remnants being Jax's bloody clothes. 

"Ya'll going to fun town tomorrow?" Clay asked and I nodded. "Of course. Can't miss out on the rides!" I giggled. 

"Alright, we'll see you guys there." The guys left to deal with the body and I went and laid in bed. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until Jax got back but I definitely tried. About an hour went by and Jax was  finally back. As soon as he was in the house and the doors were locked, that's when I fell asleep. 

The next morning, I woke up and took a shower and got dressed in a pair of red ripped skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a pair of ankle boots. I made Jax breakfast and brought it to him in bed. "J. Wake up." His blue eyes opened and I smiled, holding his breakfast on a tray. 

"Good morning my love." I kissed his cheek and sat with him, eating my breakfast as well. He got ready as I did dishes. I slipped on my jacket and he drove us to fun town on his motorcycle. We got there and Gemma, Clay, and Tig stood there waiting. We walked inside and immediately Tig, Jax, and Bobby headed to the small coaster. I giggled at them on the ride. As soon as they were done on that ride, a man walked over with his wife and daughter. "Elliot!" 

Clay was polite as they approached. "Hello Clay. This is my wife Karen." 

Jax wrapped his arm around me and I smiled, blushing as he showed public affection, though I loved it. "Mom I want to go on the spinovator again!" 

"Tristan, you've been on the ride three times!" Tristan looked down and Jax let go of me to reach into his pockets for his tickets. 

"Here, you can have them. They kicked me off cause I was screaming too loud." Jax gave her his award winning smile. 

"What do you say Tristan?" Karen said. 

"Thanks." Tristan smiled as she walked by us and went onto the ride. Jax, Bobby, Tig, and I went to the dunk tank. 

"Ooh! Look at the big bad bikers! Come to get clowny all wet!" Jax gave the girl the remaining tickets he had and threw the ball missing the button.

"What's the matter tough guy? Can't put the ball in the tight hole!" Jax threw again and unfortunately missed. The clown continued, "I'm sure your leather wearing butt buddies said the same thing!" 

All of the guys started walking toward the tank, Tig pushed the button and the clown fell in. I laughed as they shoved him in the water. We walked around for a bit longer before Juice came to get Jax, Bobby, and Tig. "The Irish are coming." 

Jax turned to me, "You a'ight?" 

I smirked, "Yeah I'll find your mom, but we better finish this later!" I smirked at him and he smacked my ass as he walked by. I giggled and then went to find Gemma. 

Gemma and I had some fun walking around and going on rides, it got dark and we heard Karen yelling for Tristan. Gemma and I with our slushies walked over to her. 

"What's going on?" Gemma asked a very upset Karen. 

"We can't find Tristan." She said, her hand immediately going to her forehead and tears in her eyes. 

"Well she must be here somewhere." Gemma said as she and I started to look around. 

Elliot was not far behind, "She's not on any of the rides." We all set out a search for her, I never came across her and neither did Gemma but she was found. Gemma dropped me off at Jax's that night and I went and changed into one of his shirts. 

He pulled up seconds later. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when he came inside. "Babe?" 

I poked my head out of the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging from my mouth and waved as he laughed at me. I finished brushing my teeth and Jax went into the bathroom and I got into bed. I got under the covers and laid there for a few minutes. Jax came into the room and shed his clothes before climbing into bed. I kissed him and his hand grazed my chest and I smirked as things became heated. We spent the night making love. 

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now