Getting Through

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"I'm done with it. I'm done with all of it." I was so angry that all I could see was red. 

"Bliss, calm the fuck down. It's not as bad as you think it is!" Happy snarled at me.

"What in the actual fuck is wrong with you? Donna is dead. Tig killed her. Tig could have killed me. Just like every person who has threatened me since I came to Charming. Kohn. Mayans. Zobelle. Weston. Apparently the club I thought was family." I was beginning to lash out and I wasn't sure if I would be able to stop myself. 

"No one is going to hurt you Bliss!" Jax yelled at me. I was silent for a moment but he continued. "I'm not letting you walk away Bliss. Abel needs you. I need you. Our unborn child needs their parents." I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Jax this isn't what a family is supposed to be." I was sad and hurt with tears running down my face.

"I'm sorry Bliss. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry that I put you through this." Tig was staring at me with tears in his eyes as well. I wanted to forgive him but I couldn't will myself to do it, but I just nodded to get everyone out of the house and leave me alone.

"Fine, I'll let it go." Jax hugged me and I relished in the feeling. The guys left soon after and I sat in Abel's room, watching him sleep. I went to bed not long after that. In the morning, Jax was gone super early. I got up and fed Abel and gave him a bath, then I got myself ready for my appointments that I had in the afternoon. Things were not over and there was no way I could just forgive Tig for killing Donna,  but I don't think there is another choice. The day went by quickly. Jax and the club were gone most of the day so I was able to do all of my appointments in peace. I made dinner and waited for Jax to come home but I fell asleep waiting for him.

When I got up the next morning, Jax and I got ready and began packing ours and Abel's things. We were going into a lock down because of Zobelle and Weston. It really made me upset but they wanted everyone connected to them to be safe, so I understood. We got to the club house and I grabbed Abel out of the car. I went to the trunk and grabbed Abel's bag as Jax grabbed our bags. I was scared that Jax wasn't coming back but I knew he wouldn't do that to Abel and I.

I knew he would come home. Later after the club left, my mother called. 

"Mom! It's so nice to talk to you!" I was excited. While Gemma and Lyla went out, the prospects and Piney watched the kids. 

"Will you meet me on Main Street? Come alone! I have exciting news!" I agreed and I slipped away from the club. I went to main street and that's when a van pulled up and Weston grabbed me before I could scream. 

Once I was in the van, he held a knife to my neck. "I hope you know this is nothing personal." He was clear as he began cutting me with the knife. 

I began to scream as he cut into me, "I'm pregnant! Stop!" However, they continued and just avoided my stomach and abdomen. I was screaming as tears coated my face. By the time they had finished with the knife, my arms, legs, and chest had been covered with cuts and slices.

It was now nightfall and they were driving to meet the sons. I was surprised I never passed out from blood loss or from the pain. It was sooner than I thought that we pulled up. Weston got out and walked over to Jax and the club.

"What happened to fighting fair?" Jax questioned. Weston stared back at the guy sitting in the van with me and nodded at him.

"Fighting fair is for losers." The guy opened the van causing the club to stare in my direction.

As soon as I stepped from the van, I saw the rage clear on the club's face. Opie, Jax, Chibs, and Bobby were probably the most angry.

Jax looked over at Tig and nodded, Tig then whistled and the Chinese and One-Niners came from the bushes. "I suggest we do this fair Weston, because I'll kill you for what you did to her."

Jax was clear, but through his rage, his voice was eerily calm. The guy smirked as he shoved me towards Jax. I felt weak enough that with the force of him shoving me, I hit the ground.

Jax and Opie leaned over to help me up but when I stood up, I turned to Weston. "I'll kill you for this."

"Stop! I'm pregnant!" He mocked me. I threw a punch and it hit him square in the jaw.

"Bliss!" Jax pulled me behind him when the Aryans pulled their guns on me.

Weston chuckled and looked at his men, motioning for them to drop their weapons. "I deserved that one."

"You deserve more than that you nazi piece of shit." I turned to Jax, "You kill him."

He nodded at me as the 10 on 10 fight ensued. Tyler and Lin escorted me to the bikes and when the cops came, they ran off. I don't blame them though, they didn't do anything.

I was attended to medically and they cleaned out the cuts before shoving me into the cell in the middle of SOA and the Aryans.

"Right in the god damn middle? Really David?" I rolled my eyes before Hale disappeared and I was left in the middle cell. I sat down on the bed while the Aryans made kissy faces at me and made me uncomfortable.

"Knock it off shit heads." Hale glared at them and they stopped.

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