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I was standing where Jax and I had the picnic. I was staring out into the distance, "Bliss?" I heard my name. I turned around to look in the direction where I thought it was coming from but there was nothing there. I turned back into the direction I was first looking, and there stood my mom. 

"Mom?" I questioned as tears immediately welled in my eyes. "I missed you so much." 

"I missed you too darling. You have such a beautiful family." She said with her beautiful smile that I had missed seeing. "You are happy with Jax. Everyone can see it so clearly." 

"He is a great man, sweet, caring, loving... a great father and an amazing husband. He treats me well." I said as I remembered all of the good times with him. 

"Happy approves of him, which I knew was the best thing... Happy only wants the best for you and believes Jackson is it." Mom trailed off, causing me to think about Happy and Jax. 

"Am I dead, mom?" I asked slightly holding a breath.

"No, you almost died, but you're not dead." That caused me to let out the breath I was holding. 

"Happy misses you, mom." She smiled and nodded, "I know sweetie." 

"I'm sorry, you were dying and I wasn't there." I began to cry a little harder and she moved closer to me and hugged me tightly. 

"You were planning your wedding and were already stressed enough, I told Happy not to tell you." She rubbed my shoulder, trying to console me. 

"It doesn't matter, you needed me and I wasn't there. I was too busy screwing Jax." I was becoming hysterical when she hugged me tightly. 

"Sweetie, I wanted you to be happy on your wedding day, not thinking about your dying mother." She smiled as she pulled away, "It's time for you to go back, Jax and your sons need you." She kissed my cheek softly and then everything went white. I slowly opened my eyes and Happy stood there next to Jax and Opie. Lyla was at my side holding my hand. 

"Bliss." Lyla cried as she threw her arms around me. 

"Ly." I responded groggily as I loosely wrapped my arms around her. 

Opie and Chibs sat in chairs in the corner and I felt tears in my eyes. I was thinking I'd never see their faces again. "I thought I was going to die. I thought I was never going to see any of you again." 

"You're a Lowman and now a Teller. Neither die easy." Happy said as he moved towards me. He leaned over and kissed my forehead after Lyla let go. I remembered that when I had fallen, I basically landed on Jax's bike. 

"Is your bike okay? It kind of broke my fall." I saw Jax stifle a laugh.

"You got shot twice and you're worried about my bike?" The guys chuckled. 

"Other than the boys and me, it's your pride and joy so yes, to answer your question, I am worried about your bike." I said before he walked over and kissed me. 

"Bike has a couple of scratches but it's fine." He said as he pulled away. I knew the next sentence shouldn't have come out of my mouth but it did. 

"Why was I shot?" I saw Opie and Chibs shift uncomfortably. "Irish are pissed we are trying to go legit." 

They were also responsible for the clubhouse explosion." Jax added onto his statement. Listening to Jax talk about the Irish with such hatred was hard, I knew they were business partners for years. 

"Are you guys even now? The explosion was because you killed Clay. The shooting was because you are trying to go legit." I was trying so hard not to remember Clay and Gemma. They were the reason for a lot of shit the club got into over the years. 

"Yeah, we made a deal." Opie stated.

"Good. I'm glad you guys are clear of that shit. How long for the transition?" I asked, trying to make sure they were clear of guns.

"Few months, should be 6 at most." Chibs piped up which made me nod. I sat up slowly and realized it was still very painful. I did it anyway which, I probably shouldn't have.

"Sweetie, you should lay down." Lyla tried to persuade me to lay back down.

"I'm fine." I stated, trying to make sure there were no arguments, but everyone else had other plans.

"You were just shot twice yesterday, lay down." Jax told me and I sighed but nodded. "Fine, but I don't have to like it." 

I could clearly see everyone roll their eyes. I smirked, "Would it really be me without a little resistance?" 

"She's right." Happy shrugged and I giggled. "There's something else though, Bliss."

I looked at Happy and smiled, "What?" 

"You're pregnant." Jax interrupted which caused my mouth to drop. The smile dropped from my face. The Irish not only tried to kill me, but they also tried to kill my child. I felt conflicted with this new revelation. Before I was absolutely happy with just Abel and Thomas and now that I'm pregnant again, I was sure what to feel. 

"Pregnant?" Lyla grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring squeeze. 

"Sweetie, you're 10 weeks." Lyla tried to keep her voice soft. 

"I was happy with Abel and Thomas but, I can't wrap my head around the fact that the Irish almost killed my baby." I wanted to be as honest as I could so I could try to sort it out with Jax. 

"I want a girl. I'd be happy with a boy though too." Jax gave me his heartbreaker smile and I melted.

"I want a girl too. You guys are screwed though if it is a girl. She'll have you wrapped around her finger." I joked and everyone laughed. 

"This baby is a blessing. I am happy that you want to keep him or her." Looking at Jax, he stepped closer and kissed me again. 

"No more kids after this though." We both said to each other and began laughing causing the room to begin chuckling as well.

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें