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The next few days was spent talking with Wendy about scheduling a date. It was Thursday and she was supposed to be coming over tomorrow for dinner. The boys were in bed and Jax and I stood in the kitchen. I was working on dishes while Jax smoked. 

"Jax, isn't it weird that Happy is Abel's uncle in law but soon to be his step dad?" I stopped cleaning dishes and dried my hands as I waited for a response. 

"They aren't related by blood. We can stop him from calling Happy an uncle." I nodded and went back to dishes. 

"We shouldn't tell Abel right away about Wendy being his mom, let him get to know her first." I said and he nodded immediately.

"Absolutely. That would be too much too fast." I finished cleaning the dishes and then wiped the counters and stove. I rinsed the dish cloth and then emptied the sink and cleaned it out before drying my hands. 

"Come on. Tomorrow is going to be exhausting. Let's go to bed." Jax said and I nodded. As we both left the kitchen, I turned off the light and then walked to the bedroom. 

"A couple more weeks and we can find out gender." I said, smiling. 

"I'm pretty sure she's a girl." Jax said, looking me up and down. 

"Oh and why do you think that?" I gave a sarcastic chuckle. 

"With Thomas you were less emotional and had the highest sex drive I've ever seen. Now, you are emotional as hell and barely have a sex drive." I gave it a thought and even though it was pure speculation, it made sense. 

"Fair enough." I stripped down to my underwear and put a pair of shorts. I slipped on one of Jax's shirts. Then I realized, I had basically no sex drive. Jax would get help from a croweater. 

I stood there for a moment just looking at him, unsure of what to think or do. I walked over and sat on the bed while my brain threw me for a loop. Jax walked out of the room and went into the bathroom. He started to strip, then stepped into the shower. Feeling like I should do something instead of just thinking about it, I went into the bathroom and stripped quickly before getting into the shower with him. The surprise and arousal definitely made Jax happy. We went to bed after our round in the shower.

The next morning, I got Abel ready for school and Neeta picked Thomas up from the house. Chucky needed money so I gave myself the day to clean the house. Jax went into the shop and I cleaned everything. 6 loads of laundry later and everything was pretty much done. I had started dinner and Wendy got there before Jax got home. The boys were playing when she got there and Jax got back not long after she got there. 

"Hey baby, how was your day?" Jax questioned me as he waved at Wendy. She was playing with Abel and Thomas in the living room while I sat on the couch. 

"Good, how was your day?" I returned the conversation.

"Fixed up quite a few cars today, you'll have lots of work for Monday." Jax gave me a cheeky smile. 

"Great! It'll keep me busy!" I smiled. 

"Dinner is almost ready. Boys can you go wash up for dinner?" I asked them softly.

"Yes mommy!" Thomas said happily as he skipped to the bathroom to wash his hands. 

"No, I don't want to." Abel sat there with his arms crossed.

"Abel, go wash up for dinner." I said sternly. 

"No! You're not my real mommy and you can't tell me what to do!" I felt my heart break, my eyes watered, and that was when Jax stepped in.

"She is your mom Abel. Don't talk to her like that. Go and wash up for dinner!" Jax was clear and seemed angry. When Abel sauntered off to wash his hands, Jax began to question Wendy.

"Did you tell Abel?" 

"No! Of course not! We were just playing." Wendy defended herself. I, for some reason, believed her. I heard a thump and crying and I went to the bathroom and I saw Thomas crying and Abel was holding a hammer. 

"Abel! What are you doing with a hammer?" I asked, completely shocked. 

"I am going to protect Tommy! I don't want fake mommy to hurt him too." Abel was really angry at me. 

"Abel, I'm not going to hurt Thomas." I went to step into the bathroom and he slammed the hammer against the wall, causing Jax to come down the hallway. Thomas was screeching. 

"You're not my real mommy! I came out of Wendy's tummy."  Abel said loudly. 

"Abel, give daddy the hammer." Jax demanded. Abel thought about it for a moment before handing Jax the hammer. He picked up Abel and I picked up a screeching Thomas. I took Thomas into the dining room and sat him down. I wiped his tears and got him some juice while Wendy and Jax tried to talk to Abel. 

I realized that I needed to take the food out of the oven and opened the oven. I grabbed the oven mitts and took the food out, but burned my arm as I did it. "Damn it!" I set the food down quickly and closed the oven. I turned it off and then tended to my burnt arm. 

I heard Jax and Wendy as they talked to Abel. "You can't treat her that way, Abel. She has raised you since you were just a little baby." 

"She lied to me daddy." 

My eyes welled with tears and I sobbed quietly as I got the kids dinner ready. Once I plated their food, I brought it out to them and then got Jax and Wendy's plates and brought it to them as well. 

"Thanks babe." Jax didn't even look at me and I would have lost it if he had.

"Thank you, Bliss." Wendy tried to give me a warm smile but I just left the dining room. 

I couldn't believe what had happened. Abel hates me and I saw it coming. 

I was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, and I just lost it. I sank to the floor and bawled like a blubbering baby. Except quieter. "Bliss aren't you coming to eat?" 

I ignored Jax's calls for me to come and join them. I didn't want to eat, I didn't want them to see. Probably would have been better if I didn't do it in the kitchen.

"Mommy." I heard Thomas call and I knew I had to get up for him. So I did. Once I made it to the dining room, Thomas grabbed my hand. 

"Mommy, you eat!" He gave me a huge smile. 

"Mommy isn't hungry baby." My voice cracked causing me to turn away from the table. 

"If she's really your mommy." Abel muttered. 

"Abel!" Wendy tried to step in but I walked over and knelt down in front of Abel. 

"Abel, I have loved and cared for you since before you came home from the hospital. I have been there, every sleepless night, every time you had a nightmare, every time you hurt yourself. I am your mom. Wendy is just the mommy that you came from." Abel got quiet after that and I stood up and walked into the living room to clean up the kids toys. 


A/N: Three more chapters and the book is done! Thank you all for your support and votes. 24k!! This is crazy!

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now