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When I woke up again, I was still in Tara's bed. Jax sat at my bedside and Tara smiled at me.

"Glad to see you're awake." She smiled. Jax kissed me and I kissed him back.

"You haven't been waiting to go back to the clubhouse have you?" I looked around and saw that Kohns body was gone and I didn't see Opie. 

"No Opie took the supplies back to the clubhouse last night after you were patched up." Jax said, although he did seem worried. "We do need to get to the clubhouse though." 

I nodded and tried to sit up and it was very painful but I managed. He had brought my car over last night so he got me into the passengers seat and drove to the clubhouse. When we got there, the club stood outside by the picnic tables and Clay glared at Jax. Jax got out and immediately Clay snapped at him. "Where the hell have you been?" 

I opened the car door but tried to get out and immediately hit the ground. I took a breath but the pain was still enough for me to groan. "Jesus christ!" Gemma and Opie were at my side in seconds as Clay tore his glare away from Jax and looked at me. 

"I've been dealing with some shit." Was all Jax said and immediately Clay shut up and began nodding. "We need to deal with the Mayan shit." 

Jax just nodded and walked over to me, helping me up. "What happened?" Gemma questioned. 

"I got shot." I said as Jax carried me into the clubhouse. The club followed behind Jax and I as he set me down on a chair. 

"What do you mean you got shot?" Happy questioned angrily. 

"When I went to Tara's last night to get the medical supplies, Kohn was there. As soon as I screamed help when Jax and Opie showed up, he shot me and Jax and Opie killed him. Kohn told me I kept getting in the way, he would have hurt me sooner or later, he just went after Tara first and I happened to be there." I said, holding my gunshot wound. The club was listening and now I knew they didn't blame Jax for not being around. He was with me and trying to help me.

"We can now deal with this Mayan problem with a full table so let's do that now." The guys walked into the chapel and closed the doors after dropping their phones into the box. 

"At least Kohn has been dealt with." Gemma said, trying to give me a smile. I just nodded at her before turning to half-sack. "Can you get me some water please?" 

He nodded and went off to the kitchen, grabbing me a bottled water and bringing it back out. I downed all of it and then got up to go sit on the couch. I laid down on the couch and soon fell asleep. When I woke up again, Jax and Tara stood beside the couch. 

"Bliss? Are you awake?" She asked and I just nodded. 

"I just wanted to thank you." I slowly sat up with Jax's help and I looked at her, unsure. 

"For what?" She sat down next to me.

"You got shot because of me and if it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead. I at least owe you a thank you. I also want to tell you that I'm leaving. I'm staying in California but I can't stay in Charming. I'm thankful that you guys saved my life and I'll always be in your debt, but I need to be somewhere else." I gave her a hug. 

"I really hope you find what you are looking for." I said to her and she got up and left. I looked up at Jax and he kissed me softly. 

"Can you take me home?" He nodded and took me out to the car.

Over the next few weeks, the club was pretty busy but my wound had healed pretty well. I was able to walk normally and can drive again. I had been out of work since I got shot and Jax had told me that he didn't mind taking care of me for a little bit and Happy didn't mind taking over the house bills since he knew I was planning on moving in with Jax anyway, but I didn't like not having money or not being able to pay bills.

Today, I was headed to the clubhouse to do a few tattoos for the club. Happy needed a smiley face tattoo and Tig wanted to get something small. As I got there, Stahl was over by the picnic tables with the majority of the club. I sighed, knowing she wasn't going to leave me alone. 

I got out of my car and walked over to the door of the clubhouse. "Ms. Lowman! Good to see you." She stated with a slight smirk on her face. 

"Can't say the same. What do you want?" I sighed in annoyance. 

"I have a few questions for you about Josh Kohn. He is missing and Tara has now moved out of Charming. That tells me that he's probably dead." I pretended to be asleep and snoring. I pretended to wake up. 

"Oh shit sorry, did I fall asleep?" I heard the guys chuckling at me and the other ATF agents glared at the club. 

"Look, if Kohn is missing, he probably doesn't want to be found. He did break several laws." I shrugged. I went to walk by her and she grabbed a hold of my arm. 

"Unless you are charging me with something, I suggest you let go of my arm, bitch." I snarled at her. Jax, Happy, and Chibs took steps forward and the other ATF agents stepped in front of them.

"I am not charging you with anything, just want to ask you a few questions at Charming PD." I sighed in annoyance. 

"You're only asking me questions. It can be done here and in the presence of Jax, Happy, Opie, and Chibs." I stated, not taking no for an answer. "If you've got a problem with that, you can suck my non-existent dick and we don't have to do this at all." 

She was shocked and the guys chuckled at my use of words. Chibs, Happy, Opie, and Jax stayed while the rest of the club went inside. "What do you know about the Sons of Anarchy and their ties to illegal gun running?" 

"What I know is that they are a motorcycle club. They are not involved in illegal gun running." I sat down at the picnic table. 

"I know that Jax and the club are going down and you are going to be right in the middle of it. What happens to that precious baby boy?" She asked, a small smirk on her face. 

"One, don't talk about our son." I motioned to Jax as I said 'our'. "Two, the club isn't going down for anything because they didn't do anything. And third, I can't be in the middle of something that you are making up." I was getting angry. 

"I'm just wondering, what happens to your son when mommy and daddy are in handcuffs?" I was seeing red. I immediately stood up and walked around to the picnic table to her side. 

"What the fuck did I just say?" She smirked and that made me realize, she wanted me angry so she could arrest me for assaulting her. Jax and Happy took a step forward, probably to grab me if I did anything stupid. "Look bitch, you don't know a thing about me, Abel, or the club. Get lost." I spun on my heel and walked away. 

"I know your father raped you. Now he's dead." She stated and then continued. "You kill him like you killed Kohn?" 

"Nope." I said, popping the p. "If he's dead, he died of his own stupidity, I'd never get away with murder." I said as she glared at me. She and her goon squad left soon after that.

"I  thought you were going to clock her." Opie laughed. "Oh believe me, so did I."

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now