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A few months after my mothers passing, Happy began pulling away from me and I wasn't sure why. We had sold my mothers house and the money went to Happy but I had no idea why he was being such a jerk. At the moment, Abel was in school and Thomas was with Neeta. I was at the garage working in the office. Happy, Opie, Jax, Chibs, and Juice were working in the shop. The other guys were in the club house. 

"Hey, have any of you guys seen the keys to the Corolla?" I questioned as I walked into the garage. Happy shoved them into my hand angrily. "Happy what the hell was that for?" 

He turned around and went back to working on a car, giving me no answer. "Bliss, go back into the office." He snarled at me. 

"Happy, what the fuck was that for?" I questioned as I got increasingly angry and frustrated.

"For you being a bitch!" He snapped at me. 

"How am I being a bitch? I asked a god damn question!" The tension in the garage was getting higher and the other guys pretended to work but kept close in case something happened.

"She missed you and you left her!" Happy yelled at me. 

"What are you talking about, Happy?" The confusion masked the anger.

"Mom. You left her when she needed you!" Happy's voice was loud and I flinched that he brought her up. 

"I didn't know she was sick Happy, she didn't tell me." I tried to keep a level head and be reasonable, but his next sentence made me spin out of control.

"You would have known if you had gone to see her and weren't too busy with fucking my pres." I slapped him as hard as I could at that moment. I saw Jax visibly step closer to make sure Happy didn't retaliate and hit me. 

"Fuck you, Happy." I turned and walked away, headed back into the office. Jax went back to work and so did everyone else. I knew there was some truth to it, I did spend all my time with Jax and the kids. I didn't really go up and see her and I didn't fight her when she said she couldn't come to the wedding. I sat down in the office and dropped the keys in my hand on the desk before getting up and closing both doors. The one outside and the one into the garage. I began to cry into my hands and tried not to be too loud since everyone was right outside the door. Once I finished crying, I walked into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. When I came out, Jax and Happy stood there. 

"What do you want?" I asked softly.

"Look, I'm sorry I brought Jax into it, I know how much you love him. I just had to say what I was thinking or I'd never get over it." Happy said. 

"Don't apologize. I was a shitty daughter. I put myself before her and that was a mistake. I'm going to have to live with that for the rest of my life." I said as I looked down. Happy hugged me tightly. 

"We have to head out on club business, other mechanics will be in the garage and Chucky is in the clubhouse if you need help." Jax said as he kissed my head. 

"Alright. Neeta is dropping the boys off here in about an hour. Chucky will have to take over in the office. Tonight is a vote right?" I asked and they both nodded. "Alright, I'll do dinner for after the vote too." I was met with huge smiles making me giggle.

"Stay whole boys." I said as I kissed Jax and hugged Happy. 

They left shortly after and I spent the next hour finishing up my stuff in the office for Chucky. Once Abel and Thomas got there, I went into the clubhouse and sent Chucky out there. The boys and I went to the back room. Thomas fell asleep and Abel was watching cartoons so I stayed there until the guys got back. I took Thomas into the kitchen with me but I left Abel to watch cartoons. 

I was in the kitchen when I heard a commotion coming from the bar area. I went out there to check everything and everyone was flooding towards the door. "Jax, what is going on?" 

"You need to get out! Get out now!" Jax seemed scared. 

"No! I need to go get Abel!" I began to panic. 

"I'll get him, get her out!" Jax yelled at Happy. Happy rushed me out of the clubhouse and I watched as Jax, Abel, Opie, and Chibs managed to get out. Jax covered Abel just in time for the clubhouse to explode. Shrapnel flew at us and I covered Thomas but as I turned to shield him, a piece of shrapnel stuck me in the side. I clenched my teeth to keep from crying out in pain. I knew that would scare Thomas and Abel, so I waited a minute to go and see Jax. I gave Thomas to Chibs and Jax had Opie hold on to Abel. 

"Is anyone hurt?" Jax called. No one except for me managed to get hit. I put my hand on my side to try and hide it from the boys. 

"Bliss! Are you alright?" He asked and at that moment, I shook my head no, trying my best to not alarm Thomas and Abel. 

"Something stuck me in the side." Jax looked down to find something sticking out of my side and my blood covered hand. 

"Jesus Christ! Chibs!" Chibs handed Thomas to Happy and then made his way over. 

"We need to get the first aid kit in the garage." Chibs and Jax walked me to the garage and closed the door behind them. Chibs grabbed it while I sat up on one of the benches. 

Chibs put on a pair of gloves and turned to me. "Unfortunately, this is going to hurt lass." I nodded and he quickly pulled the shrapnel out of my side. I let out a small cry as he yanked it out and I held onto Jax's shoulders. Chibs then patched me up and I walked back outside to find firefighters trying to put out the fire.

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang