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I've been in the house, for the most part, by myself. Happy has been staying at the clubhouse because of all the club shit going on and Jax has also been busy. It's been about a week and Gemma's family dinner is tomorrow night but it's about 8pm and there was a knock on the door. Happy and Jax for the most part just walk in so this was weird. I grabbed my gun and looked through the peephole but I couldn't see a face. I opened the door and it was my father with some chick. 

"What do you want? I told you that Happy and I didn't want anything to do with you." I tried to close the door. He shoved the door open and it pushed me back. I watched as he walked into the house with the girl. 

"What do you want?" I asked. He didn't say anything but they jumped me and knocked the gun out of my hand. The girl held a knife to my throat as my father proceeded to do the unspeakable things to his own daughter. They left me with my pants around my ankles on the floor in the main room of my own house. As soon as they left, I fixed myself before going to see Happy and Jax. The only thing I did was pull my pants up. My neck was still bleeding and the bruises on my arms were becoming more and more noticeable as the minutes passed. 

When I pulled into the lot, Chibs, Jax, Happy, Tig, Juice, Opie, and Clay were standing outside the garage. I parked my car and opened the door and got out. I looked at my reflection and my makeup was streaked down my face. "What the fuck? Who the fuck did that to you?" 

I heard Happy and man was he pissed. The other guys turned and looked at me, their eyes went wide. Jax was the first to approach me, he gently tilted my head up and looked at the cut on my neck. "Who did this to you?" 

Jax's voice was soothing at that moment and I looked at Happy. "Happy, he's back and he did this to me." Happy's eyes went wide and began punching the wall. 

"Hap! Who is he?" Clay raised his voice out of anger and I grabbed onto Jax's arm, wanting to feel safe. Jax kissed my forehead and that's what made me burst into tears again. 

"My poor excuse for a father did this to her. What else did he do to you Bliss?" Happy didn't want to hear it. I knew it so I didn't say anything. 

"Liss, you need to talk to us." I shook my head at him, muttering 'I can't' at him. 

"Why can't you?" He asked with worry in his eyes. 

"I want to forget, if I tell you what happened then it's real and all of you will look at me differently." My stomach was in knots. 

"We need you to tell us sis. I need to know how much he needs to suffer. I promise we won't look at you differently. You had no control over what happened." Happy grabbed my hand and squeezed in reassurance. 

"I was at home just watching TV when there was a knock on the door. I grabbed the gun and looked through the peephole but I couldn't see who it was, so I opened the door. It was him and some chick. I asked what he wanted and told him that we didn't want anything to do with him. He didn't say anything so I tried to just close the door and he shoved it open. It made me stumble and that's," I had to pause to try and get myself together before I could say the next few sentences.  "That's when he and the dumb bitch jumped me. She held a knife to my neck and he threw a few punches before," I fell apart and my knees gave out. I fell to my knees in front of my brother, my boyfriend, Chibs, Juice, Tig, Opie, and Clay. All of them sank to my level. 

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Chibs said softly. 

"He threw a few punches and then he raped me." I hugged myself as Jax and Happy got even angrier and all the others seemed disgusted but angry. 

Chibs was the only one to just hug me. He stroked my hair and reassured me that everything was going to be alright. I hugged him tightly. "We are going to deal with this in the morning. He isn't going to get away with this, alright?" Clay said, making sure I knew that they were going to catch him. 

"He's going to suffer. I promise you." Happy snarled. Jax picked me up and put me in the passenger seat of my car before getting into the drivers seat and I thought he was going to drive me home but we went to his house. I was grateful. 

"Liss, why don't you shower and I'll get Happy to bring you some clothes in the morning. You can use these tonight." Jax said as he handed me one of his shirts and a pair of pajama pants. I hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you J." I went to pull away and he pulled me back in, kissing me like our lives depended on it. Once we pulled apart, I went into his bathroom and scrubbed myself raw. 

When I finished, I dried myself off and threw on his shirt. I didn't much care for pajama pants so I didn't bother. I knew Jax would always protect me. I walked back into the bedroom and Jax was sitting on the side of the bed. He was shirtless and man was  he perfect. 

"Hey, I'm going to take a shower. You know where everything is." I nodded at him but I kissed him as he walked by me. 

I climbed into his bed and Happy sent me a quick text saying he'd be here at about 8. I sent him a thumbs up back and covered up, staring at the ceiling. I began thinking about the days events and no matter how much it upset me, I knew Jax was there. He's been through a lot as well. His ex-wife overdosing, his son being born with a hole in his heart and stomach and premature, his ex-wife taking more drugs in the hospital, and all of the club shit. I think I can handle a rape. 

"What are ya thinkin' about Liss?" Jax asked as he walked into the room with just a pair of boxers on. He threw on the pajama pants that I didn't want to wear and climbed into bed. 

"You, J. All of this shit that's going on and you make me feel like I'm strong." I chuckled at myself. 

"Liss, you are strong." He looked over at me and I looked over at him. We kissed and things began to heat up. 

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes Jax, I need this. I need you." 

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now