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When I arrived at the station, I was shown to a room with a metal table and immediately Stahl came in and began questioning me with another agent that I didn't care to know the name of. "Start from the beginning, what happened that day?" 

"I got back to Jax's house and Half-Sack came in a few minutes later. I had set Abel in his carrier on the kitchen counter. I had begun to unpack the groceries when Cameron came into the house looking for Kip. He had a gun and pointed it at me and was going to kill me until he shouted at Kip to sit down and Abel began crying. He said that Gemma killed Eddy Hayes and that he was going to kill Abel, a son for a son. He had grabbed a kitchen knife and we both ran toward him but Kip got there first and Cameron stabbed him. He then grabbed me and when I struggled, he pointed it at my baby bump and I stopped. He then tied me up and left with Abel. That's all I know." I said to them as tears came to my eyes, remembering that I let Kip die and Abel get taken. 

"That's all for now, you can go." The agent said and Stahl didn't say anything as I left. I went outside and got into the car. As soon as my tires began to move, I felt my eyes fill up with tears, once again. I sobbed on the way to the clubhouse. When I arrived and saw the bikes I knew that I had to calm myself down. I saw Jax, Clay, Chibs, and Happy talking at the picnic tables and had to walk by them to clean myself up. I sighed and did the best to clean up my face. 

I got out of my car and walked toward the door. "Are ya alright lass? What did Stahl say to ya?" 

"Why are you crying?" Happy asked in a monotone voice. I knew he was concerned, but all of the other guys looked shocked. 

"Look, thanks for the concern, but I'm fine. Stahl didn't say anything." I didn't want to tell the guys the truth. I was scared that I was going to let Jax down again and get his other son kidnapped or worse, killed. 

"You know, even though we're a club, you don't have to be strong all of the time. We're here for you too." Clay said, which shocked me, but made me feel slightly better. "Half-Sack died for a noble reason. Protecting an old lady and child." 

"I appreciate that, but it doesn't make me feel better that I couldn't do anything to help him or Abel. I watched him bleed out and die protecting me and I don't know how to handle that. I don't know how to handle that Abel is out there somewhere alone and momma isn't there to comfort his cries." I wiped at my eyes and covered my face. I felt arms wrap around me and the scent of cigarettes and Jax's cologne filled my nose. I began to cry in Jax's arms and he just held me tightly. 

"Everything is going to be okay, we're going to find Abel." Happy, Chibs, and Clay all said simultaneously. 

After I had finished crying, I went inside and cleaned myself up a little bit before I had to go home and change for Half-Sacks funeral. I slipped on a black dress and heels before making my way to the funeral home. Jax and the club met me there. 

I walked inside and made my way over to Jax and Opie. I saw the coffin and I felt my breath get caught in my throat. I walked into the room as others paid their respects to Kip. I paid my respects. I whispered, "I'm sorry," as I walked away and back to Jax. 

Jax spent a little more time paying his respects than the rest of us, but once he was finished, everyone walked outside. Jax and I walked behind the club until Jax went over to Chibs. I walked over to Chucky who had been standing there by himself. "Hey Chucky." I gave him a smile and I saw Opie kiss Lyla on the forehead, that's when I heard gunshots. I felt Chucky push me to the ground and a second later he was shot. I watched a little boy get shot. One of the shooters fell out of the van as Unser and Hale as well as the other officers began shooting at them. Bobby and Opie also began shooting as they drove over Hale as well. I got up and ran for the little boy to try and help his hysterical mother. "Somebody please help! My baby boy!" 

I put pressure on his wound, desperately praying that someone was coming to help save this boys life. This boy slipped away and I watched Jax start smashing this guys head on the pavement while Bobby and Opie tried to pull him off the shooter. 

Jax was soon arrested after that and was put in a holding cell overnight. I went to Jax's, an empty house with the promise to pick him up the next morning. When I got there, I ran a bath to try and calm down from the days events and soaked in the tub. 

When I realized that I couldn't calm down, I spent the remainder of the night lying awake, rubbing my belly, and waiting for daylight so I could go pick up Jax from holding. The night went by slowly and finally around 3 a.m. I was able to drift off to sleep. 

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now