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Over the next week, I was stuck in the hospital because I was pregnant, which for some reason, made me high risk. I had someone come and stay with me during the day most days, but there were some days where I was alone. Jax brought the boys over after school everyday. 

When the week came to an end and I was finally able to get out of the hospital, I was grateful. Jax and the club had club business so Lyla came and picked me up from the hospital. At first, she looked like she was headed to the house but she made a turn down main street and stopped in front of an old ice cream shop. "Lyla, what are we doing here?" 

She just smiled but got out of the car so I followed her into the shop. As the door opened, the bell rung and everyone yelled 'surprise!' at us. Which, after a moment, I realized was not really yelled at her. It was meant for me. I looked around and the club stood around the shop while the boys sat up on the stools. 

"You guys!" I almost cried. I set my bag down and hugged Jax. 

"We bought this place, there's a spot upstairs for church and we bought Cara Cara fully, which is now called Red Woody. Lyla does directing and production as always. We'll try and find the funds to rebuild the clubhouse but nothing is guaranteed there." Jax was telling me about all the business decisions that they had done. 

"You guys, this is amazing!" I was reeling on the feeling of joy. 

"It wouldn't have been possible if you hadn't dealt with the garage for Opie and I. We want you to run the ice cream shop or hire someone to run it." Jax said to me and I kissed Jax softly. Then I hugged Opie. 

"I have the perfect person in mind. Juice?" I tried to get his attention. 

"You want me to run the ice cream shop?" He questioned confused. 

"No, you big dummy! Ingrid is still looking for work right?" I smiled and he nodded. "Call her, she has an interview for Scoops!" A big goofy smile landed on his face and he hugged me a little too tightly. 

"Juice, was still shot!" He frantically let go and profusely apologized. 

"Chucky," I got his attention as well. "I want you working at both Scoops and the garage." 

He gave me a big goofy smile as well, "I accept that." 

I giggled, "Now, I want to see my boys!" I walked over to the stools and gave Abel and Thomas big hugs. 

"Mommy, are we going to have a little sister?" Abel asked. 

"Little sister! Little sister!" Thomas shouted happily. 

"I hope so baby, but you might have another brother." Being careful not to get their hopes up too much. "How is school Abel?" 

"School is okay mommy, I didn't listen to a teacher and got in trouble." He said with a slight sadness to his tone. 

"You know why you got in trouble though, right?" The concept of listening was usually really good with Abel. He listened well. 

"Yeah, but when I don't listen at home, you give me trouble and put me on a time out, my teacher grabbed my arm and hit me." I heard Lyla gasp. 

"Your teacher hit you?" I asked and he nodded. 

"Where baby?" I asked, trying to remain calm. Jax had his fists clenched and his face was red. 

"The teacher hit me in the butt mommy." After he had said that, I got angrier than I had ever been in my entire life.

"What teacher was that?" I asked softly, I didn't want him to think I was mad at him.

"Mrs. Teegan." I nodded. 

"Thank you Abel for telling mommy and daddy. You're very brave. Why doesn't Chucky get you boys some ice cream while daddy and I deal with the school." Abel nodded and smiled as Chucky walked over. Jax and I went upstairs and I called the school. 

The principal answered quickly. "Charming Public School, Principal Sanderson speaking, how can I help you?" 

"This is Bliss Teller and Jackson Teller, Abel's parents." I said, trying to remain calm.

"Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Teller, how can I help you?" He asked and he tried to sound kind.

"Abel has just told us that he wasn't listening at school and Mrs. Teegan, instead of proper discipline, hit Abel on the butt. This is unacceptable behaviour Mr. Sanderson." I told him and he laughed. 

"Mrs. Teegan wouldn't hit a child. Abel must have a great imagination." Mr. Sanderson completely ignored our concerns. 

"My son is not lying. This is a serious issue Mr. Sanderson. If you cannot take this issue seriously, I will be calling the school board. I will have both you and Mrs. Teegan fired." I was getting really angry. 

"I highly doubt the school board will care about a child who has convicted felons for parents." Mr. Sanderson was laughing. 

"Fine, your job." I hung up and immediately called the school board. 

"Hello, San Joaquin School board." A lady answered the phone. 

"My son goes to Charming Public School and he informed us today that a teacher hit him for discipline. The principal of the school outright called us liars. I am appalled at the disrespect received over such a serious issue." There was a silence on the other end for a moment.

"You're not the only person to complain. Mrs. Teegan and Mr. Sanderson have been terminated immediately." The lady said.

"Thank you." I said as I hung up. I looked up at Jax to find him already staring down at me. 

"You are amazing, Liss." His voice was husky and sexy as hell. 

"I try sometimes." I giggled as his hand rested against the side of my neck. He pulled me to him and kissed me softly. 

"I love you Mrs. Teller." I blushed at his words.

"I love you too Mr. Teller." He kissed me again and I wrapped my good arm around his neck.  

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now