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After the work day, Jax and I usually stay to lock up and then we go home together. My car pretty much stays at home. Most days, I ride with Jax. We locked up the office and the garage and then headed home to shower and relieve Neeta. The boys had just fallen asleep right before we got there so we had decided to let them sleep while we showered and changed. 

I was taking the elastic out of my hair when Jax came and stood behind me in the bathroom. I brushed through my hair and then set the brush down. I turned around and smiled up at him. "I know we have been struggling lately, we've both been so busy. You with the club and all the work in the garage, and me with the office and selling their house but I love you so much Jackson. I just needed you today." 

"I needed you too Liss. There was no denying it. Maybe once we get back we can watch a movie with the boys." Jax suggested and I nodded as I kissed him. 

"I'd love that." We took a shower together and had round two in the shower. We then finished getting ready before we woke up the boys and went to Opie and Lyla's. It didn't take us long to get there. Abel went and saw Piper, Kenny, and Ellie while we set Thomas in the grass and watched him play. 

"Things have been great lately." Lyla commented. 

"Things have been great, but very busy. It's nice to be able to have this free time. The past month has been absolute craziness with everything. Jax inheriting the house, the garage, and being the president." I said as I remembered everything. 

"It's all been good though." Jax smiled and kissed my forehead. 

"We were kind of wondering if you had time to do any wedding planning?" Lyla questioned and I self-consciously touched my ring. 

"No, I haven't had any time to plan a single thing. We don't even have a date picked yet." I sighed and slumped in my chair. 

"Well, I wanted to help you plan, if I could." Lyla said smiling. I nodded and hugged her. "You're a life saver." 

Opie started the barbeque and got the food going while Lyla and I chatted. I sat with my feet up and it's been the first time in months so I was relishing in the feeling. "We can start planning this weekend. Does that sound good?" She asked and I nodded. Dinner was almost ready so I told Abel to wash up for dinner and then they came outside to sit and eat. I went inside to pee before dinner and washed up as well but as I was leaving the bathroom, I felt something sharp pierce my stomach. 

I looked up and there was Tony's fiancée, standing there with her hand on the knife that she just planted in my stomach. I heard a screech and I saw Ellie standing there with her eyes wide open. 

"Ellie, run!" I said as the woman pulled the knife from my stomach and I tried to keep her from going after Ellie. "Daddy! Uncle Jax! HELP!" I heard their heavy footsteps and gunshots as I hit the floor of the bathroom. My hand rested on my wound and I began to cry. Things were going so well, why is there always something to ruin everything. 

"Where's Bliss, Ellie?" Lyla questioned.

"She's in the bathroom, mom, she's hurt." Ellie cried. 

"Bliss." Jax entered the bathroom and pressed on the wound. 

"Jax, I l-love you." I said, as more tears dripped out of the corner of my eyes. 

"I love you too, but stay with me, you are going to be okay." Jax kissed me and the paramedics got there and started attending to me. 

Once I was in the ambulance, it didn't take long for me to pass out. 

When I came to much later, I was laying in a hospital bed with Jax sitting in a chair, holding my hand on one side and Happy and Chibs passed out in chairs next to each other on the other side. "Jax." I said and he turned to me and kissed me passionately. Of course, I kissed him back. "What happened?" 

"You were stabbed by your fathers psycho girl. We shot her and she's dead now." Jax said. 

"Ellie, is she okay? She saw a lot." I asked with worry.

"She's shaken up, but she'll be okay. She's not hurt." I was thankful she wasn't hurt but she's probably scarred for life. 

Happy and Chibs woke up and smiled at me. "Hey lass, how are you feeling?" 

"Like I got stabbed in the stomach." I chuckled and immediately regretted it because it hurt. "Oh no laughing." I groaned. 

"How long do I have to be in here?" I asked. 

"Should be out in a couple days." Happy reassured me. 

"Well, thank you Pres and thank your VP for saving my life." I smiled as he kissed me again. Happy and Chibs left shortly after, probably to inform the club I was okay and also to let Lyla know I was okay since she still had all the kids. Jax had called Neeta and told her to go and pick up Abel and Thomas but since he had just called, she would still be a bit. Jax had told me to go back to sleep but I moved over so he could sleep next to me, so both he and I could sleep in the same bed. It was uncomfortable but we made it work and I was thankful to have Jax to spend time with. We watched a couple movies on TV and then I fell asleep again, holding onto him while he dragged his finger lightly up and down my arm. It was one of the most calming things he could have done. I was very lucky to have a guy like Jax. He was hard and cold when needed but soft and passionate with me and it was much needed to recover.  

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now