Every Day

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After a month, everything was coming together. Ingrid fit in really well and she handled Scoops really well. Chucky was really helpful with both Scoops and the garage. I was about 14 weeks and things felt as though they were moving quickly. 

There was a team working on rebuilding the clubhouse. It was really amazing. I was so happy that in a couple months time we would have the clubhouse back. I knew how badly Jax and Opie wanted it. Juice and Ingrid have been doing great. Juice had officially asked her to be his old lady. Chibs had gotten a girlfriend as well. It was great now that the club was in the stages of transitioning to legit business. 

My bullet wounds had healed nicely, I was no longer sore which helped Jax in bed, I'm sure. Thomas was starting school in the fall which was great. Neeta was doing great, which helped us out a lot. I was working 40 hours a week. Jax was working 40 hours a week and then there was club time on top of that so it was nice to have her to babysit Thomas until he goes to school. 

I was sitting in the office doing paperwork. At this moment, Jax and Opie were out doing a repo together and that left me in charge of the garage. I heard footsteps so I looked up and Rat stood there. "Rat, what's up?" 

"There's a man outside screaming at Juice." I sighed and walked outside to help calm the man down.

"Excuse me, sir! I'm going to ask that you don't yell at my mechanic like that." I stepped in since Juice wouldn't say anything. 

"Lady, I am going to ask that you stay out of it." He sneered at me. 

"This is my garage, you cannot yell at my employees on my property and expect to get away with it. Now, I am going to ask you to calm down or leave!" I was clear and louder than I meant to be. 

"Listen bitch, I know the owner and you are not him!" He tried to be smart but it backfired on him.

"I'm the owner's wife and he would not allow you to yell at his employees or wife like you are doing right now, so you have five seconds to calm down or I will have you removed from the premises." He seemed to calm down after that. "Now what is the issue?" 

"This man is dating my daughter! I want a criminal to stop dating my daughter!" Ingrid's father. Great.

"Sir, Ingrid is old enough to make her own decisions. I understand that's not what you want to hear, but I've seen them together and he makes her happy. Juice hasn't been convicted of a crime in almost 2 years. They are very happy together and I'm sure Ingrid wouldn't like to find you here yelling at her boyfriend." I tried to defuse the tension but Ingrid's father wouldn't have it.

"I suppose you think dating a criminal is okay! You look like the whores they keep around here!" He verbally  attacked me and I sighed. 

"Sir, I'm going to ask you to leave." I said, rubbing my temples. 

"Pregnant whores don't tell me what to do!" I sighed and looked in the garage. I saw Happy and Chibs working away. 

"Hap! Chibs!" I called and they immediately dropped what they were doing. 

"What's up lass?" Chibs questioned. 

"I need this man removed from the premises." I gestured to the guy who had yelled at Juice and called me a whore twice already. 

"Wait! You can't do this to me!" He yelled. Happy and Chibs grabbed him by the upper arm and lead him to the gate. 

"I'll be telling Ingrid that you stopped by." I called after him and he craned his neck to look at me. 

"You little whore!" He called out angrily and I sighed. 

"Are you okay?" Rat questioned and I nodded. When Happy and Chibs successfully kicked him out and they walked back over to us, "Let me tell Jax." Everyone nodded and then went back to work. 

"Rat, can you run and grab lunch please?" I handed him money and he nodded, taking the van so he could grab lunch for the other guys too. 

"What would you like, Bliss?" He asked politely. 

"Umm, can you get me McDonalds and get the other guys sandwiches and what not from the diner." He nodded and smiled at me before heading off to get everyone lunch. 

Jax and Opie got back a few minutes later with the repo. "Jackie Boy, Ope, Bliss needs to talk to you in the office." Chibs called to them. 

"Aight!" Jax and Opie walked into the office seconds later. 

"What's up babe?" Jax asked softly. 

"Ingrids' father was here. He screamed at Juice and Juice was trying to be polite so he didn't say anything. I went over to help defuse the situation and he called me a whore twice and a pregnant whore once. I had Happy and Chibs remove him, but I told him I would tell Ingrid that he showed up here and he seemed pissed. So, we need to watch for him." Jax nodded and Opie nodded as he walked into the garage to continue working on the car he had been working on before he went on the repo.

"Are you alright?"Jax asked and I shrugged. 

"I'm upset. I need to call Ingrid still and the pregnancy hormones got my emotions fucked up." Jax nodded and took my hand. 

"Call Ingrid, Rat will be back with lunch soon, so we can all eat and then we can take the afternoon off." Jax suggested. 

"I'll call Chucky to take over in the office then too." Jax nodded and then went into the garage to work until Rat got back with lunch. I dialed Ingrid's number and she picked up rather quickly.

"Hi Bliss!" She sounded cheerful and that made me more upset because I knew I was going to ruin her mood. 

"Hi Ingrid. You busy? I need to talk to you about something." I said. 

"I have time before I open Scoops." She responded quickly.

"Okay, your dad showed up at the garage and was full on screaming at Juice." I told her, trying to keep my emotions out of my voice.

"Jesus christ, I told him to leave it alone. Is Juice okay?" I heard the nerves in her voice. 

"Yeah Juice is fine. I tried to calm him down and he came after me, calling me a whore and then a pregnant whore after that." The truth sucked for her.

"I'm so sorry Bliss! That is not like him at all. I know Jax is going to be pissed. Let him know I'll talk to my dad. This won't happen again!" The urgency was prominent in her voice as well as the fact that she was scared. 

"I'll tell him." We hung up and then I called Chucky and he came in, happily I might add. We all ate lunch together and then Jax took me home.

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