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As days went by, I began to live with the fact that Donna's death, although it was my fault, I couldn't change it and there was nothing I could have done to stop it. I had spent a lot of time with Ellie and Kenny while Opie was gone. Piney had stepped up and had been dropping them off at school. Mary and I had alternated between picking them up. 

Today, Opie was supposed to be back from his ride. Jax went over to see him and then was dealing with club business. I had to take Abel by the hospital for a doctors appointment. Gemma had talked about hiring someone to help look after Abel. I hadn't met her so I was doing that today as well. Wendy had checked into her sober living facility and had been gone for a while now. I have been taking care of Abel for the most part, but that left little time for me to work. 

I was at the hospital and Dr. Namid had told me that Abel was perfectly healthy after his heart surgery which made me very happy. I went by the clubhouse to see Gemma and we began chatting. 

"Abel is perfectly healthy." A huge smile was on my face. She gave me a quick hug before picking up Abel and holding him. 

"And how are you doing? You've been a little under the weather lately." She said and I just nodded. 

"I'm okay. Just a mild case of vertigo or something." I smiled at her. Abel had a smile on his face and I squealed in happiness and pulled out my phone, taking a picture. I sent it to Jax and Gemma's phone which I knew they would be happy about it. 

"Oh my goodness, he's so cute!" I began to feel a little nauseous so I tried to calm myself down. 

"I think you need to get checked out." Gemma said, giving me a look. 

"I'll be fine. I have to go get some groceries and meet the nanny. She's meeting me at the house in about an hour." I said as I got Abel from Gemma and took him to the car. 

"Say bye to grandma." He just gave her a smile and Gemma and I giggled at him. I put him in the car seat. "I'll be back around 6 for Bobby's party. If things look good, the nanny will be able to watch Abel." She nodded and kissed my cheek before going back into the office. I headed to the grocery store and got a few things before heading to the house and getting Abel inside before grabbing the groceries. About fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door. 

I answered the door with a smile and offered for her to come in. "Hi I'm  Bliss, Jax's girlfriend." I say girlfriend to those who have never been around the club and wouldn't understand what 'old lady' means. She walked inside and I had her sit at the kitchen table. "Tea or coffee?" 

I politely asked. "I'm Neeta and tea please." I made her a tea and myself a coffee before I sat down. 

"So, may I ask you something?" She asked. 

"Yes absolutely." I said with a smile.

"Is this a full time position?" She was nervous.

"Yes Ma'am. It is a full time position. I am looking at getting back into work soon but I haven't been able to as I have had Abel full time." She nodded and a smile appeared on her face. I went and picked up Abel and gave her to him. 

"Do you live in Charming?" I asked softly. 

"Yes. I live just around the block." I smiled and nodded.

"Perfect, when can you start?" I asked with a smile. 

"Anytime!" She smiled and shook my hand. 

"We have a party tonight and I would really like to go. I have to be there for six. We have a spare bedroom that you can stay in. I would be fine to do cleaning unless I ask for otherwise. Just worry about the baby." I smiled and she nodded. 

"There is formula and bottles and we have a dishwasher so just put the bottles in there when you are finished with them." She smiled and nodded. Neeta began looking after Abel as I got ready for the party. I wore a pair of grey skinny jeans with a dark red crop top and black boots. I did my makeup and went to the party. 

When I got there, the first person I seen was Gemma. "Hey Gem!" 

"Hey Bliss. The baby with Neeta?" I just nodded at her. "Are you on the pill?" 

Her question caught me off guard. "No. I want to have children and I know Jax wants more." I sort of shrugged it off before a car pulled up. Clay and Tig stood at the front. I stood beside Gemma as two guys got out. One in a fancy suit, the other in one of those t-shirt button-down shirts. "Garage is closed!"

Clay was clear by the man  with the suit had no interest in getting their car fixed. "We're not here for car repairs. I understand that you're a comacho fan." The guy said, handing Clay a box of cigars. 

"Who are ya?" Clay asked, a glare on his features. 

"Just dropping by to give you a little friendly advice." The other man said, handing Clay a business card. 

"And what advice would that be?" Clay asked. 

"We feel it would be best for all concerned if you stopped dealing arms to the one-niners and the Mayans." Clay looked around as Tig, Juice, and Happy all started laughing at the guys for assuming that they sold guns.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Clay laughed as he spoke. "We're just mechanics and harley lovers." 

Tig looked at one of the guys and leaned over to Clay, "That's one of Darby's guys back there." 

"Mr. Darby is one of our supporters." The guy said. 

"Hmm." Clay began to walk passed the guys, "Expensive car, hell of a suit, all your teeth, must be the top of the Aryan food chain, huh?" 

The man in the suit began speaking again, "What you do for a living is between you and your maker, I'm not here to adjust your moral compass. This is just a reality check, you're a criminal and you're done selling guns to color." Tig pulled out his gun and was going to point it at the guy as he held his partner back. "Are you going to shoot me Mr. Trager? With all these witnesses?" 

A stare off happened for a second between the man in the suit and Tig before Clay began speaking again. "Look, I don't know what Darby told you and I don't know what your angle is but, let me be real clear, nobody threatens SAMCRO. And nobody tells us what we can and can't do black, brown, or white. So why don't you just climb back into your little German clown car and drive back to Nazi town. Cuz' the next time you piss all over my shoes, he will kill ya, and I don't give a shit how many witnesses there are." Clay was pissed. 

The two men left and one of them almost walked into Gemma and immediately he said, "Sorry ma'am." The got into their car and left. It wasn't long before Clay told Juice to look into them. Juice nodded and left immediately to look into them. As soon as that car pulled off the lot, another one pulled on and Bobby got out of the car. 

"Bobby!" Everyone cheered as Bobby began hugging everyone. That's when the party began. Jax showed up not much later and we had a few drinks before he wanted to go home. I had decided to go home with him and we relieved Neeta. 

Abel was in bed but Jax went and took a shower. I grabbed his clothes seeing the blood. When he was done, he saw me looked at the bloody clothes. "I helped Opie kill a man today. Retaliation for Donna." 

I just nodded and went to put the bloody clothes in the wash. He went to bed and I followed behind him, holding him. We soon fell asleep. 

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