The Burning

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That night after the diner, I took Abel home and Jax  was there. He looked tired and annoyed. "Bliss, I'm sorry about earlier." My glare softened. 

"Look Jax, you're tired and sore. Get some sleep and we'll talk in the morning." He walked over to us, putting his hand on my stomach and kissing Abel's forehead. He then kissed me softly before beginning to walk down the hall. 

"What time is your appointment tomorrow?" He asked, his annoyance subsiding. 

"10." I said softly. He nodded and went into the bathroom to shower. I got Abel ready for bed and put him in the crib. I saw Jax walk into the bedroom and I followed behind him. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out one of Jax's old shirts. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower as well. 

It didn't take long but once I was finished, I slipped on his shirt and put all the laundry in the basket. I walked back into the room and climbed into the bed with Jax. I felt his arms snake around me and I sighed in content. His hand rested on my pregnant belly and I fell asleep like that.

The next morning had come quickly. I woke up still wrapped in Jax's arms. I looked at the clock and sighed. I unwrapped his arms from around me and grabbed some panties and a bra. I put them on after sliding the shirt off. I put on a Beartooth shirt and some yoga pants. I slipped on my vans. I gave Abel a bath and got him dressed. I fed him and then woke Jax up. 

I went into the room while Abel was in the playpen and shook him softly. "J, it's time to get up. I have to leave in 20 minutes." He wiped his eyes before getting dressed. I went and got Abel his shoes and quickly put them on. I grabbed my keys and started the car and got Abel into it. I handed Jax the keys since I knew he wouldn't let me drive and got into the passengers side.

I put my seat belt on and checked my phone. When we got to the hospital, we got in pretty quickly. I sat on the chair as Jax held Abel. "Looking good, daddy." I smirked at him and we giggled. 

The nurse walked into the room and I pulled my shirt up. She spread the gel on my stomach and put the probe against my stomach and moved it around. "I'd say you're about 14 weeks Ms Lowman." 

I smiled brightly at Jax as he kissed me. I kissed him back and she wiped the gel off of my stomach as she gave me the sonogram. I pulled my shirt back down and we left the hospital. We dropped Abel off with Neeta and he drove his bike to the clubhouse and I took my car. When we got there, it was almost immediate that Jax and Clay started bickering. I sighed and gathered my tattoo supplies. I packed them in clear plastic and sanitized them. I sighed and went out to the main part of the clubhouse to watch Jax cock a gun and put it on the table in front of Clay. 

He looked at the gun and as Jax turned his back, he picked it up but turned the safety on before tossing it back on the table. "Can't shut down Cara Cara without a majority vote." Jax turned and spotted me. That caused everyone to turn, trying to figure out what he was looking at. 

"Jesus." Tig said, that's when I felt the wetness on my face. I was crying. 

"Let's take a walk." Happy said to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and ushered me out the door. "Are you alright?" He asked, the same stoic look on his face as he always has.

"Yeah, just scares me. Zobelle gets you arrested. Jax and Clay at each others throats and they can't clear their head. It scares me Happy, I don't want to raise children without their dad." He hugged me tightly. Jax came out after talking to Bobby and sighed, nodding at Happy.

Happy soon kissed me on the forehead but left Jax and I to talk.

"Liss, I'm sorry you had to see that." 

"Jackson, you better not leave me." I almost screamed at him, but it was more of a warning tone.

"I'm not leaving you. Just can't get away from all this shit with Clay." He sighed as he met my eyes. I kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"Jax, I love you. You know that. This shit between you and Clay isn't going to go away unless you deal with it. Talk it out, as unmanly as it is." I said, giving him a smile. "Or take him to the ring and fight it out." 

He cracked a smile and that's when I knew that I'd be okay to leave for the day. "I have an appointment, but I'll be home later okay?" I said as I began to walk away. 

"I love you too." He said as he pulled me back to him and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and he let go. I walked to my car and drove to the cigar shop. I grabbed my tattoo stuff from the trunk and walked into the shop. I saw a small blonde woman, Zobelle, and Weston. 

"Hi, I'm here to do the tattoo." I said, smiling. Zobelle and Weston nodded at each other and Weston went into the backroom. I followed him and he closed the door behind me. That made me nervous, but I kept going anyway. 

I stenciled the tattoo which was a symbol that I had no idea what it meant. He said he liked the placement and began tattooing it. "Do you like Charming?" I asked, trying to spark up a conversation. 

"No. It's sort of a shithole." He replied dryly. I decided to just work on the tattoo after that. "You're Jax Teller's old lady, aren't you?" He asked and since everyone knew, I didn't see the harm in responding.

"Yes." I said quickly and continued with the tattooing. 

"Why did you come here?" He asked, "I'm sure they wouldn't have let you tattoo me if they knew. Which tells me that you didn't tell them." 

"It's none of your business." I said as I finished the tattoo and wiped it down. 

"And you're pregnant with his kid." He said, smirking. "I just hope the next time you are alone, you don't find yourself in a dark place, since you're so vulnerable." He smirked and I grabbed my things quickly. He opened the door for me and I rushed out of there even quicker. I put the stuff in my trunk before heading back to the house. It was almost dinner time. I went home and relieved Neeta. I fed Abel and put him down a little later. I got into bed and slept until 9 o'clock the next morning.

A/N: Here's another update. Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄⛄

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