Just Say It's Okay

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A couple weeks had gone by and so far there had been no trouble so we decided to continue with the gender reveal. Today was the day of the gender reveal party that Lyla and Ingrid were having at Scoops. Jax had taken his bike and I drove the boys. I invited Neeta but it was her sister's birthday so she was unable to make it.

I parked on the side of the road since the bikes parked in front of the ice cream shop. I got the boys out, who ran to their daddy as they slid out of my car. I was wearing a black maxi dress with a pair of black gladiator sandals. As I walked into the ice cream shop, I was hit with the smell of cake. There was blue and pink balloons scattered everywhere. Streamers were hanging off the ceiling. A banner that read 'boy or girl?' was hung up above the door to upstairs.

"Oh my god, you guys." I gave them the biggest smile and they giggled as the guys came down from upstairs. Chibs also had his girlfriend here as well. Her name was Althea. Juice, Happy, Opie, and Chibs stood beside their old ladies as Thomas and Abel went and sat in a booth.

"Let's get to it!" Lyla came out from behind the ice cream bar and gave us a bb gun. She then nodded at Ingrid who brought out a huge black balloon. 

"Shoot the balloon to find out the gender!" Everyone cleared from around the balloon. Ingrid tied the balloon to a chair then stepped away. Jax and I smiled at each other and then aimed. We both shot at the same time and the balloon popped causing the pink confetti to fall to the floor. 

Everyone erupted in cheers but I squealed as I threw myself at Jax, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Oh my god, I can't believe it, we're having a girl!" 

"What are you going to name her?" Althea asked.

"Hadley Lucinda Teller." I said as I pulled myself away from Jax. 

"That's beautiful!" Ingrid gave us a grin. 

I looked up at Jax and he nodded. "If we were having a boy, we were going to name him after Chibs, but since we are having a girl, we want to make Chibs her godfather." 

Chibs looked like he could cry. "Jackie boy, really?" 

Jax gave him a smile and nodded. "If anything happens to us, it's on you to take good care of our daughter." 

"If anything happens to us, Wendy, you would take Abel of course." I said and she nodded with a slight smile. "As for Thomas. It only seems right, Lyla and Ope, we want you to be his god parents." 

Lyla hugged us both tightly. "Of course we will." 

"And if we're gone, all of you need to stay close to each other." They all nodded and I smiled at them. "Thank you. Now where's the cake I smell?" I asked making everyone laugh. 

"Wait, there's cake?" Kenny and Piper yelled, causing Opie and Lyla to burst into laughter. 

"We told them that there wasn't any cake." Ellie began to giggle. 

"Oh there isn't any cake." I began to say and Kenny and Piper gave me a look of disbelief. After that, I smirked and continued, "The cake is all for me and Hadley." 

I rubbed my belly and giggled as the boys threw up their hands and groaned. "A baby can't want that much cake! She can share!" They tried to argue. 

"She could. The question is, do I want to share?" I questioned them and laughed as they rolled their eyes. "Of course I'll share boys." 

I turned and saw Abel with Wendy and Happy, laughing gleefully. Ratboy was keeping Thomas busy. I sat down next to Jax and rubbed my belly. Jax chatted with Chibs, Tig, and Juice while Miles stayed to himself. Ingrid walked by him and I saw him brush against her ass. She turned to look at him and he smirked. She seemed really upset but didn't say anything. Miles seemed to keep his eyes on Ingrid even though she was uncomfortable. 

"Miles, leave Ingrid alone." I said before continuing to say, "You've done enough damage. I'm not even sure why you're still in the club considering what you did." 

"I didn't do anything that would get me kicked out, at least not yet." He shrugged. Juice turned around and glared at Miles while Jax seemed to be fed up with his attitude and actions.

"Leave Ingrid alone. If you're the one who called our house those weeks ago, I will kill you." Jax was clear and the way Miles responded told the club everything they needed to know. He did do it. 

The club nodded at each other and then took him outside. I'd imagine they stripped his patch and then killed him. Of course the party kept going. We cut the cake and ate it then provided some ice cream for the kids as well. 

The day was well spent with family. Althea and I began to talk more and she was really sweet. She was a security guard for Red Woody that they hired. It was awesome. All of the old ladies working together and helping each other. How everything played out now, Lyla was producer and director for Red Woody, Althea was a security guard for Red Woody (she would help the club), Ingrid ran Scoops, and I ran Teller-Winston. Lyla and Opie never had to worry about cash because they had a profit from the garage and from Red Woody. Jax, Chibs, Opie, Juice, Ratboy, Tig, and Happy worked in the garage as mechanics. Bobby had a steady cash flow from his gigs and from the club. Plus the club gets paid from owning Red Woody and the movies they sell. 

Everyone had a place. Everyone was comfortable. It was honestly the greatest thing. Jax and I had decided to sell his house and move into a bigger house. With the two boys and Hadley coming we needed at least a 4 bedroom house but we also wanted a spare bedroom. So we had began our search looking for a new house. 

Nothing had really turned out the way we thought it would, but I'm happy that it turned out this way. Everyone was happy. 

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now