Back Again

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"Bliss! Burgers are done!" Opie called and I called back, "Get the kids theirs first!" 

"Lass, you're carrying a kid." Chibs pointed to my stomach and I rolled my eyes. "I know, but Kenny, Ellie, Piper, Thomas, and Abel come before me. I'll go after they get theirs." 

"Mommy! My little sister needs food too!" Thomas said and then grabbed my hand. "We want you go first!" 

He pulled on my hand and I sighed, since he was pushing me towards the food, making everyone laugh. 

"Heathens! All of you!" I said as everyone continued laughing. I sighed and got myself a plate and then Jax and Opie helped the kids get theirs. I began eating and that was when the phone rang inside. So I finishing chewing and swallowed before setting my food down and going inside to answer the phone. 

"Teller residence." I answered. 

"Bliss?" I heard a female voice and immediately, I knew exactly who it was.


"Yeah Bliss. I am a couple years sober now and was wondering if you could give the phone to Jax." She was clean but for some reason there was this nagging feeling in my chest. Like I shouldn't give Jax the phone. I began walking to the backyard and handed the phone to Jax. 

"Who is it?" He questioned, confused. 

"Wendy." I said as I tried to make this feeling go away. I went back over to my food but had lost my appetite. 

"Bliss, are you okay?" Lyla touched my shoulder. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm just not really hungry." I said as I went inside. I wrapped up the burger and stuck it in the fridge. While I was wrapping it up, Jax entered the house laughing. My heart dropped and I got the kettle ready for tea to help me with the emotions.

Jax hung up the phone and I continued with making my tea. "Bliss, are you okay?" 

I just nodded because I knew talking would give everything away. 

"Wendy wants to see Abel." Jax stated. 

"Figured." Was the only word I could muster.

"I told her she needed to come by and talk to us before we just go ahead and let her see him." Jax was trying his best and I knew that but it was hard not to want to fall apart, especially because this pregnancy had me much more emotional than the last. 

"That sounds fine." My voice cracked and he sighed as he rubbed my shoulder. 

"She's sober and no longer a danger to Abel, I can't stop her from seeing him." Jax tried to defend Wendy.

"I know, Jax. I just, I love Abel and Thomas more than anything. I don't want her messing with that. Abel's life is here with us and I'm afraid that Abel will hate me for trying to be his mom." I couldn't stop the tears. 

"Babe, you are his mom. You're not trying to be anything. He loves you and he's a smart kid. He'll understand. You're just being emotional." He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back softly.

"Jackie boy! Bliss!" Chibs called, I wiped my eyes and Jax pulled away from me to look at Chibs. 

"What's up, Chibs?" 

"You're missing all the fun!" Chibs called and we both walked outside. The guys had plugged in the radio and Tig handed me the auxiliary cord. I pulled out my phone and opened spotify. I scrolled through the songs until I landed Machine Gun Kelly's song with Halsey called forget me too. I clicked on it and the song began to play through the speakers. 

"For a white boy, MGK is pretty attractive." Ingrid said laughing. 

"He's alright, but I got the best looking white boy around." I laughed as the girls giggled at me. 

"MGK is scrawny as hell." Juice said, trying to make himself look good.

I snorted as I began laughing, "Juice, Ingrid will never get with MGK, she likes your dumb ass too much."

Ingrid shrugged and nodded as she agreed with me. "You listen to some weird music, Bliss." Tig tilted his head like he was thinking about it.

"And what do you listen to? Country?" I laughed. 

"No! Classic rock of course!" Tig shook his head and scrunched his nose up in disgust at mentioning country.

"I'm in the mood for MGK and Ariana Grande. You guys wouldn't like my usual." I stated, knowing for a fact that they wouldn't like metalcore.

"What is your usual? You're so innocent. It can't be that bad." Opie sounded like he didn't believe me so I went over to my phone and changed it from the beginning of Ariana Grande's Everyday to Motionless In White's Creatures X. 

Chibs, Tig, Piney, Opie, and Juice all dropped their mouth open in shock. "What the fuck is this?" 

"This is my regular! I was hooked on this song for so long, Jax fought with me to shut it off." I laughed. 

"You were one of those emo kids in high school, weren't you?" Juice questioned. 

"As a matter of fact, I was one of those emo kids. At heart, I still am." I giggled and began singing along. Lyla and Ingrid stared at me.

"How do you understand this shit?" Lyla questioned. She seemed just as shocked as the guys.

"It's a talent." I said, grinning. "I used to have huge crushes on the guys with black hair and lip piercings. And now, I've got the bad boy all the girls want. Damn. I think I did well." I said as the grin remained. 

Jax laughed and kissed me. "Babe, you are something else." 

The song switched from Creatures X to Undead Ahead 2: The Tale of the Midnight Ride. "You're into weird shit." Tig said which caused my mouth to drop in shock. 

"No, mine is a normal amount of weird. You're weirder than me!" I argued. 

"This is pretty weird music bliss." Tig retorted. 

"I think it's the perfect amount of weird. I can not say that necrophilia is normal. It's not Tig. You're the weird one." Everyone began to laugh. 

"She's got you there, Tig." Piney laughed. 

I went over to the radio and turned it back to pop and pop punk. The song Lights Down Low came on by MAX. I sang along to it quietly as everyone enjoyed themselves at the barbeque. 

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now