The Club Finds Out

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That night after we left Gemma's, we found ourselves back at Jax's place with Abel. Jax sat at the table sewing the patches back on to his kutte. I had just put Abel down, he was sleeping. I walked back out into the kitchen and watched as Jax sewed. 

"I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you." I said, sitting down on the chair next to him.  

"Its alright Liss. You did what you could. I'm glad you were there for her." He said, as he continued sewing.

I nodded, watching the needle go through his kutte. "Jax, can I ask you something?"

I bit my lip. I was nervous to ask this question. "What's up?"

"Are you planning on being in Charming forever? Please don't take this the wrong way. I am absolutely fine here and you know I love the club. It's purely just a question." I asked.

"All I wanted from the time I was five is a Harley and a kutte. Its who I am." I nodded and gave him a smile.

"I would never try to change you or the club. Your loyalty is one of the reasons I fell in love with you. I was just curious. I am perfectly happy being the president's old lady one day." He kissed me softly. He pulled away as there was a knock on the door. He pulled his gun out of the holster on the table and walked to the door.

I stood behind him as he opened the door. Clay stood on the doorstep.  "Sorry, I know it's late." I smiled softly at him.

Abel began to fuss, "Do you guys want to get him?" I suggested. They both nodded and Jax handed me the gun. I set it back on the table and rubbed my belly. It felt like the pregnancy was going really slow.

I was about 16 weeks now. Not even half way there yet. I grabbed a tea bag  and boiled some water and made myself an herbal tea.

I sighed as I sipped my tea. Not long after, Clay left. I finished my tea and Jax and I got into bed. We began to kiss and we made love before we fell asleep with Jax's hand on my belly.

The next morning, Neeta came by and Jax went to the clubhouse and I went to Gemma's. I pulled up and knocked on her door. I heard a response and walked in to see Gemma sitting at the dining room table. "Morning."

I gave her a smile. "How are you doing ma?"

"Doing fine I guess." She said, probably not wanting to talk. "Its good that you told them. They will be able to do what's right for you. Clay wouldn't do it if he didn't love you, Gem."

She just nodded and I went to do some appointments that I had booked. I got to the clubhouse and went into the room to start sterilizing everything. I had gone through my appointments and cleaned up. As I walked outside and was talking to Opie. I gave them a look before walking over to them. 

As I got there, I watched in shock as Opie began punching the shit out of Tig. "Opie!" I yelled, as I tried to step in between them. 

"JAX!" I screamed. 

Opie got Tig back up and began asking, "What did you do? What did you do?" 

"It was Stahl Ope, she made you a rat. She's the one who killed Donna. Me and Clay, we didn't want to believe it." My heart dropped as he said those words but I stood there silent wanting to hear the words come out of his mouth. 

"I came clean! Clay and I were good!" Opie yelled. 

"We found wire taps in your truck and in your phone. The feds put money into your accounts. Stahl wanted to make us think that you had turned. It was supposed to be you in the truck, not Donna." Opie processed it and Tig began profusely apologizing. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." 

"Opie! Clay!" Jax called as he finally saw what was going on. Clay, Bobby, and Juice all came out running. 

"What the hell happened?" Clay asked as everyone got closer.

"Ope! Opie!" Jax tried to grab him but Opie shoved his arm out of the way. 

"What the hell did you say to him?" Clay asked Tig. "Tell us!" 

"I don't even know who I am anymore man." Tig said and I began to get more angry. 

"What are you talking about?" Clay questioned, clearly unsure of what was happening. 

"I had to tell him." Tig said. 

"Tell him what?" Someone else questioned. 

"That I killed Donna." I became angry and I knew I had to leave before I punched Tig too, but I had decided to give Tig at least one good shot to the face before I left. I walked over to Tig and Jax went to grab me but I shook him off and punched Tig in the jaw. 

"Control your old lady." Clay yelled loudly. 

"Control me? You let your sergeant at arms blow an innocent woman's head off and you think I need to be controlled? Let's not forget that I was in the truck that night." I screamed at him. I shook my head and walked to my car, Jax didn't follow me and I'm glad he didn't because I probably would have bit his head off. I got home and relieved Neeta.  I had Abel in my arms when Jax came home that night. 

"Bliss, you can't go around talking to Clay like that." Was the first thing he said when he noticed me.

"I don't care. He had that coming." I said. "How should I have reacted? Oh Clay, I'm sure you feel horrible that your trigger boy blew an innocent womans head off and you could have killed me but I forgive you!" I glared at Jax and began walking Abel to his crib. 

"It doesn't matter. You aren't a club member and you can't talk to him that way. This shit falls on my head." He yelled. I put Abel in his crib before leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

"And you think right now, I give a shit about this being on you? You knew about this and you said nothing! This isn't a fucking family. This is a god damn death sentence." I screamed back at him. 

"I am trying to do the best I can for the club and for you and Abel but this shit can't add to my god damn plate." There was a knock on the door and Jax went and answered it. I shook my head as Tig, Bobby, Chibs, Juice, Opie, Clay, and Happy walked in. 

"Bliss, I appreciate that you are acting this way for me but I am alright with Clay and Tig as of now. You need to let it go." Opie said. 

"No." I simply said. "You may have lost her but I was in the god damn truck when Tig blew her fucking brains all over the windshield in front of me. You want to tell me how I let that go?" I asked him. 

"It wasn't your life that was taken. It didn't happen to you or your family." Opie stated. I stood there for a second taking in what he said.

"You're right. This isn't a family. I have done nothing but be supportive of the decisions made. To be completely honest, I have loved the club for years and everything it stood for. My own brother is asking me to be fine with seeing brains splattered on a windshield. The people I need to stand up for me have told me to fall in line. So, you know what, fuck SAMCRO. Fuck all of its members. Fuck the brotherhood that you are supposed to have. Happy, move the fuck out of my house." I was pissed as I stormed into Jax's room and began packing my stuff. 

"Bliss." Chibs called my name. 

"No. I'm done with it. I'm done with all of it." 

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu