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The next morning, I was up getting the boys ready when Jax got up. I fed the boys breakfast and then, Neeta came over to watch the boys so Jax and I got ready quickly. He dropped me off at the garage and I opened up shop. The day went by a lot quicker than usual and I was happy. It was friday which meant that Lyla and I were finally getting around to wedding planning. 

Opie was going to stay home with the kids so Lyla could come over. Once the garage was locked up that night, I got on the back of Jax's bike and he drove us home. When we got there, Neeta left and we fed the boys and Lyla came over. As I fed Thomas, Jax and Abel ate. A knock at the door made Jax get up and answer it. A moment later, Jax had walked back into the kitchen with Lyla trailing behind him. 

"Hey Lyla!" I smiled. 

"Hi! I'm very excited to help you plan this!" Lyla was giggly and I rolled my eyes at her and giggled. 

"I hope you have a date in mind?" Lyla asked Jax and I which caused Jax and I to look at each other. 

"October." We simultaneously said. "I was thinking, October 30th?" 

Jax seemed fine with the date so we now had 5 months to plan this wedding. "Where did you want to have it?" Lyla asked. 

"I was actually hoping to have it in the back yard. I just want family and select friends." I said which Jax seemed happy with. 

"I want simple. I want the boys up there with us, I want Lyla as my maid of honor. I was hoping you'd have Opie stand up there with you. Most importantly, I want a zipper on the dress so it can come off easy." I laughed at Jax wiggling his eyebrows at me. 

"Decorations are simple.. I don't want anything overly dramatic. I also hope you know, you're marrying the type of girl who wants a black wedding dress." That was mostly directed to Jax while Lyla jotted stuff down. 

"That's hot as fuck," Jax smirked. I smirked and finished feeding Thomas so I set him on the floor. 

Abel went and played in his room when he finished eating. "I'm going to start looking for a dress tomorrow. We will get on the rings. I am like 100 percent sure, that we wait to get the marriage license. So, we can get together next weekend for chairs and such." Lyla nodded and we chatted a little bit longer before Lyla went home. Jax was called that night and he had to go and finish dealing with the coke shipment. I sighed as I got into bed alone. 

When I woke up the next morning, Neeta was here already so I just got dressed and drove to work. When I got to the garage, I went inside the clubhouse and grabbed a cup of coffee. I saw Ima walking out from the dorms. "Why are you here?" 

"No one says good morning anymore." Ima rolled her eyes and that irritated me. 

"Whose guest were you?" I asked, while Tig talked with his daughter and Piney sat at the bar. 

"I was invited here!" Ima tried to say. 

"Invitations over." I snarled. Ima went back to the dorms, probably to get her stuff. I went outside to calm down and then I saw Lyla. "Hey, Ly!" 

"Have you seen Ope? He didn't come home last night." I shook my head to her question. 

"I haven't seen him at all." Lyla nodded and sighed. "Jax left late last night too, Opie probably crashed here is all." I went back inside to check if Ima had left and that's when Lyla must have spotted her car. 

Ima came through the hallway to leave and Lyla began questioning her. "What are you doing here? You spend the night?" 

Ima had a slight smirk on her face as she said, "You don't want to know, sweetie."

"You backstabbing gash." Lyla said and I knew this wasn't going to end well.

"Hey! I was just following his lead, married pussy is boring pussy." Ima was really harsh. Lyla stepped forward, raising her fist to punch Ima when Ima drew the gun and aimed it at Lyla. "I will blow a hole straight through that pretty little yammy of yours!" Ima moved away and headed for the door.

"Why him?" Lyla questioned. 

"You want answers sweetheart, go ask the cock that was inside me last night!" Lyla stormed out crying, causing Ima to aim her gun at me and Tig who told her to get out. She left quickly and I told Chucky to call Jax and Opie. It didn't take long for Jax, Opie, and Chibs to ride in. 

"You alright?" Jax asked me and I responded shortly with a, "Yeah." 

"Where's Lyla?" Opie asked. 

"Clubhouse." I responded. 

"Ima?" Chibs questioned. 

"Took off." I said before continuing. "She said some cruel shit Ope. This may be none of my business.." Jax cut me off before I could continue. 

"Bliss don't!" 

At that moment, I turned around to face the three of them. "Bitch pulled a gun on me. If I catch her rancid pussy around this clubhouse again, I'm going to kill her like she threatened to do to Lyla." I saw Jax sigh but he knew I was right. 

"She's right, it's my shit." Opie said, we went to continue walking but Piney had other plans as he punched Opie in the face. Opie hit the ground and when he got up, Piney had some choice words for him. 

"Your dick almost got people killed. I don't even know who you are anymore." Piney then pushed passed everyone and walked away. We headed into the clubhouse and I cleaned up Opie's eyebrow. 

"Put some ice on it." I got up and threw away the tissue I used to clean up the blood. Opie walked into the kitchen and Jax sat there next to me. 

"You sure you're alright?" He asked and I just nodded. 

"I have to get work done in the garage. Talk to you later." I walked out to the office and sat down in the chair. I felt completely awful for Lyla. I'm sure Opie didn't do it for no reason but it still sucks feeling that way. 

Red Rose: A Jax Teller Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin