Chapter 68: Founding Fathers

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"Her running away is not what im concerned about.
"Then what is?"
"Its her reaction."
"What do you mean?"
"Pressures like these can be difficult to handle for a child like her."
"Principal Nezu, i don't really see her as a child. She can be aloof and oblivious at times, sure but she's no child." Nezu chuckled.
"Yes i know. Ive experienced it first hand." He turned looking at Aizawa who was seated on the couch. "Her skills are impeccable and flexible too but in our world she is only but a child. Before she came here she had little to no knowledge about quirks. This is the farthest and longest time she has been away from home, dont you think that can be a little overwhelming? To be surrounded by an entirely different people who have their own different traditions?" He sighed. "Only us teachers know why she came here."
"Yes im aware."
"After the incident with The League of Villains and the Akatsuki. (Y/n) has become very famous in the social media. With that floating around everywhere she cant hide. Perhaps a week from now it'll spread all over the world. Now what happens if she cant run away anymore? What if she's forced into a corner to face her fears? There are endless.. endless possibilities on what she could do. If she snaps and goes on a rampage or joins the villains, at least we have a fighting chance on teaching her a lesson. At least at that we can still stop her. But the one i fear the most is her ending her own life by her own hands." He turned to Aizawa who couldn't say anything except stare at ground.
"I see. So thats what it is.."
"Just.. just look after her and make sure she doesn't do anything reckless.".


They continued following the two untill they noticed that the ground ahead of them was gone and they have almost reached the edge of the cliff.
"Yeeeeaaaaahhh!!" Naruto exclaimed jumping off the said cliff.
"Wait for me!!!"(y/n) said jumping off too. Aizawa panicked and ran to the edge staring down. And boy did he regret that. The height of the drop made his unsuspecting stomach drop too but good thing he kept it in.
"Woah look at that drop!" All might said stopping the students.
"Were a long way down." Aizawa said.
"It kinda feels like were in top of a skyscraper."
Aizawa ushered his students back. "Everyone off the edge now!" They groaned but abided to his command.
"Thats a weird looking rock.." Kirishima commented at the one across the river.
"Its not just a rock. Its a statue!" Momo said amazed at the detail and the scale.
"Its not just that. The one were standings on? Its a statue too!"

"HAHAHAHA! YEAH! I WIN!!" Naruto cheered jumping out of the water then standing on it. He had his hands on his hips bragging about the win. (Y/n)'s head emerged from them water with a gasp for air. She slicked the loose strands of hair back then looked up at Naruto who had a huge grin on his face. "No fair! You tricked me!" She looked at him angrily, her lips pouting.


The two siblings looked up Aizawa waving at them to come up. They looked at eachother.
"Looks like they're calling you." Naruto said.
"Yeah i think they want us to go up." She said.
"Why not bring them down here? This place is a giant pool." Naruto suggested.
"We'll go ask." She said jumping to the wall and continued all the way to the top. Naruto followed behind.
"Yeah?" She asked once they've landed on the carved stone.
"Dont run off like that. Our job is to look after Class 1A and that includes you." Aizawa said with a slight tone in his voice.
"Sorry there Aizawa sensei.." she said which surprised the hero since he had always refered to him as sir. Gray walked up to (y/n) and gave her the cover up. She thanked him and wore the said cover up.
"That was kinds my fault. I started the race. Sorry about that!" Naruto said scratching the back of his neck.
Aizawa hummed and turned around walking back.
"Um Aizawa sensei!" (Y/n) called out. He stopped and glanced at her. "I was wondering if maybe..." Her classmates looked at her interested at what she was about to say. "Maybe you all would like to go down? You know to the bottom of the falls." She smiled at them nervously.
All Might questioned. "Is there even a way to get down there?"
"Of course there is!" Naruto chimed. "Sometimes we go down there to fish some food." The students Smiled widely in excitement then turned to Aizawa and All Might begging them to go down.
"Quiet." Aizawa said as his hair floating upwards and immediately the students closed their mouths. Then he turned his head to the twins. "Is it safe?" Naruto nodded.
"Mhm! Grandma Tsunade upgraded all kinds of safety precautions around here. If it's really that concerning, we'll leave after a while. Just before it gets dark." He smiled placing his hands intertwined behind his head. "So come one what do you say old man?" The student's eyes widened at what Naruto said and practically became more nervous. Even All Might was coughing with a bit of blood. (Y/n) snapped her head to Naruto and elbowed him on his side earning a pained gasp from him.
"Naruto!" She scolded frowning at her brothers words. "Im sorry, my brother doesn't know what he's talking about." She smiled apologetically. Aizawa stared at them unamused and hummed back. "Lead them to the bottom we'll help out some stragglers." He said calmly.
They cheered and followed the twins down.

I AM HERE WITH YOU! BNHA x Female!NinjaReader Naruto Shippuden!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz