The Shadow of Fear

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Angelynn hums happily as she waits painterly for the monks to arrive.

Right now, the Evil girl Genius is sitting on a foldable chair on the top of a hill that also house a lumber factory.

And for some reason she was wearing a slightly different outfit which was mainly her with a pink scarf and pink beret.

Looking down at her watch that was tracking Dojo once the watched showed that the Green Dragon was getting closer the Pastel Goth counts on her fingers before getting out of her seat and holding out her hand for an Angel-Bot to hand her a scene board.

"Ready?" she said to her Cameraman.

"Ready." The Angel-Bot confirmed as he starts to film.

"And...Action." And it was at that moment that Dojo appeared and flew right past them.

Angelynn looks up at the dragon calmly as she walks forward, "It appears Evil Girl Genius Angelynn Spicer has company. Angel-Bots attack!" she exclaimed.

And with that her faithful robots began to shoot giant logs at her enemies.

Which of course Dojo took noticed of and screamed in complete fear as he ducks and dodges the logs and once, he was sure that he dodged them all he let out a sigh of relief and looked forward.

And was surprised to see another one and screamed as this log managed to graze him on top of his head to the point that it took off his fur and left his head bare.

"That's gonna leave a mark." Dojo said sadly at the loss of his fur.

"Ooh." The monks muttered feeling bad for their Dragon Friend.

"Dojo look out!" Jackie exclaimed and pointed at the incoming log, but it was too late the log had uppercut Dojo which resulted in the dragon flying in a complete circle with the monks holding onto dear life.

And once Dojo was flying right again he groans as he catches his bearings unfortunately when he did it was at that moment that the log from before came falling right down on his face and caused the dragon to fall.

"Ruby of Ramses!" Omi exclaimed as he brings out said Wu and used it to lift the log off Dojo so he could fly.

"Cut!" Angelynn exclaimed and grabs her camera, "No, no, no! the camera stays on me...Angel Spicer!" she proclaimed.

"Angel, will you just get on with it?!" Wuya exclaimed losing her patience.

Angelynn rolls her eyes as she pushes her cameraman away from her and flew off to get the WU.

"Nag, Nag, Nag!" she muttered in annoyance.

And once she was coming closer to the Wu, Angel smirks evilly and said, "The Shadow of Fear is mine!"

And she wasn't the only one that was getting close to the Wu either. "Faster, Dojo!" Kimiko exclaimed as Clay brings out his lasso in an attempt to catch the Wu.

"Don't you worry. Old Clay has got a rope of 2 up his sleeve." Clay stated as he throws his rope and successfully lasso's the Wu.

"Come along, little doggies!" he exclaimed as he pulled, resulting in the Wu flying right pass Angelynn's face by an inch.

But the pastel goth wasn't about to give up that easily and chased after the Wu and tried to grab it but unfortunately she got too close and the blades of her Heli-pack accidentally cut the rope and made the Wu fall right back onto another log.

Pulling his rope up Clay looked at it with a displeased look.

Jackie sighs, "Dojo, take us down." She instructed.

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