The Demon Seed

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It was a typical day for the Xiaolin monks, as they did a fun training exercise with each other.

Which was a game of chess, however the chess pieces were very large, and the floor was even made to look like a chess board.

And as for the teams, it was Kimiko and Omi vs Raimundo and Clay.

Nearby, Jackie was leisurely laying in a lounge chair with fluffy pillows in a gazebo.

However, she was looking at herself in the enchanted handheld mirror.

Which she was using to see what she would look like with different hairstyles.

And right now, the mirror was showing her a hairstyle that had her hair in a ponytail.

With a beautiful golden comb like tiara with purple gems. Which was threaded through the top of her ponytail.

And for added flair, attached to the tiara were beautiful golden chains that were wrapped and draped around her ponytail.

And for added flair, attached to the tiara were beautiful golden chains that were wrapped and draped around her ponytail

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Chuckling, Jackie began to thread her fingers through her hair as she purred, "Well, hello~"

The other monks looked at her in confusion since they were at a lost on why she was so entranced by a mirror.

Which is a given since at the angle they're standing at, they can't see a thing.

Moreover, Jackie had neglected to tell anyone about another one of Chase's unexpected drop-ins again.

Concluding that Jackie is in a vain mood today, they shook their heads and went back to playing their game.

"Ruby of Ramses!" Omi exclaimed as he takes out said Wu.

"Dragon to Monkey 3." He then said.

Using the Wu to pick up the white dragon, Omi slams it into a monkey shaped chess piece, shattering it upon impact.

Both Kimiko and Omi cheered and double high fived each other.

"Nice move, Omi." Kimiko remarked.

Pulling away, Omi began to cheer. "Whoa! Yes! Yes! I am in heat!"

"No, Omi. You're on Fire, on fire." Rai corrected.

"Ok. Enough Jawing. Now it's our turn." Clay stated.

Cupping his chin, Clay began to mutter to himself. "Let's see...Tiger to—"

Before Clay could finish, Omi, who had moved to their side and got on his back cuts him off.

"I have a better move."

Kimiko sighed in annoyance and said, "Omi, you're only supposed to be playing for one side."

"Yes, but they need all the help they can get." Omi proclaimed.

Even though she was preoccupied with enjoying her new enchanted mirror, Jackie was still listening to her friends.

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