The Lone Star of Texas part 3

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Dojo sighs as he finally manages to lose the female rattlesnake.

He smiles as he comes out of his hiding place "Finally now I can relax-" before he could anything else, he felt the Star Hanabi activate.

The green dragon gasped as he quickly searches for the monks to tell them the news.

Meanwhile at Angelynn's Lair...
Leo sighed as he lounges casually on the expensive u-shaped white leather couch in Angelynn's living.

He was watching Tv when Wuya appeared "LYNX! I SENSE ANOTHER SHEN GONG WU! THE STAR HANANBI!" She exclaimed.

Leo looks at her aggravated "Do you have to scream every single time! For god's sake I don't know how Angie deals with you."

He grunted as he gets up and grabs everything, he needs for this Shen Gong Wu hunt.

Meanwhile with Clay and Raimundo...
"Get along little dogies!" Clay exclaimed.

"Yah! Move those sirloins and T-bones!" Raimundo proclaimed.

"Howdy!" Kimiko exclaimed as she's lightly dragged by the Texas Longhorn.

The boys looked at her in surprise that she's being dragged by the cow.

"Kimiko?" was the only thing Clay could say.

"Come on in, the dirt's fine." Kimiko said waving at them.

And the cow would've continued if it wasn't for Jackie ridding pass them and stopped in front of the Longhorn.

She gives the cow a glare and points to the cattle drive. The Texas Longhorn moos and follows instructions.

"Is it weird that Jackie can scare animals into submission and make them do what she wants with just glaring at them." Rai asked.

"A little." Clay stated.

"Yep." Kimiko said as she let's go of the rope.

"Good. I didn't want to be the only one."

"Kimiko, here's your horse." Jackie said untying the stallion.

"Thanks Jackie."

Meanwhile with Omi...
Thinking of a different approach Omi decided to go onto the ceiling so he could drop down on Old Bessie.

Once he was sure he was in position he lets go but it ended with Old Bessie bucking him out of the barn again and into the pig's food.

He sits up looking dejected that he wasn't able to milk Old Bessie again.

Meanwhile back at the Cattle Drive, they finally made it to the river and watched as all the cows started to drink.

"Hack of a day's work, compadres." Clay said with a smile.

Rai groans and rubs his butt "Tell that to my saddle sores. Where's Omi with my milk?" he asked.

"Please, your saddle sore is nothing compared to me doing all-nighters in a chair." Jackie stated.

Back at the barn the young monk has had enough and slammed the doors open this time "Old Bessie, you are a very worthy foe, but you will be milked!" Omi exclaimed pointing at her.

The cow just looked at him and went back to eating.

Grinding his teeth, Omi runs towards her but once the old cow was sure that he was close enough she bucked him out of the barn.

But this time he landed right in front of the others who had just returned from the cattle drive.

They looked down at the young monk.

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