Raimundo's Betrayal

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The entire Lighthouse glowed brightly as it started to come apart and the pieces floated in midair in a somewhat perfect circle.

"Gong Yi Tanpai!" the exclaimed and quickly moved before they're spotted by the light.

Angelynn watches the light as it passed her and activates her Wu. "Lotus Twister." She exclaimed and quickly hides behind a slab of stone.

"Golden Tiger Claws!" Raimundo exclaimed and jumped into the portal mere seconds before the light shined on the stone platform.

Landing on another piece of stone Rai looks around and quickly makes another portal when he sees that the light was nearing him.

Meanwhile Angelynn was using her rubbery legs to go across the path but she saw that the light was about to shine on her.

So, the pastel goth bends backwards and wraps herself around a stone wall that had a window.

"If I get myself tied up in a knot over this, I'm going to sue." She proclaimed.

She then gasped and quickly hid between the wall and even made her body line up with the window so she wouldn't be seen.

A few seconds later Raimundo so happened to jump on top of her hiding place and then jumped off to grab another piece of stone.

He quickly kicks his feet up to keep them out of reach of the light. "Whoa! Should've picked a different showdown." He stated.

Suddenly Angelynn's arms wrapped around his legs.

He looks down in confusion, "Raimundo, head toward the light!" she proclaimed.

Raimundo tried to make a portal but Angelynn had a strong grip on him. "Sorry pal, you're not going anywhere."

The Dragon of the Wind looks down at his Shen Gong Wu and then gets an idea.

Making small portal he sticks his hands in and another portal opens up near Angelynn's feet.

And with this Raimundo was able to trip the pastel goth making her plummet down.

Letting go of the stone platform, Raimundo lands on a lower a few seconds before the light could hit him.

Angelynn on other hand screamed as she tried to grab onto anything to stop her but when she did the light managed to hit her.

"Swell." She proclaimed annoyed.

And with that the Showdown ended.

"Alright Raimundo!" Kimiko exclaimed as she skated towards her fellow monk and then skid to a stop.

"Well done, pardner."

"That's what I'm talking about!" Dojo exclaimed.

"Raimundo, your performance in the Showdown was most impressive, and you're not even a Xiaolin Apprentice." Omi proclaimed.

That was the final straw for him, "You're right, Omi. I'm not."

He then looks at Wuya, "So, where do you want them?" he asked.

The monks looked at Rai in shock.

Hearing this Angelynn finally got up on the ground and smirked "Now this is getting interesting." She said crossing her arms.

Wuya chuckles evilly. "Well done, Raimundo."

"Rai, what are you doing?" Kimiko asked.

"I'm done with this whole Xiaolin thing. For now, on, you can find me on the Heylin side." Rai proclaimed.

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