Thinking in a different perspective

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Jackie sighs as she watches everyone do their exercise for today. She already did her's and got the high score of 14 seconds. Omi on the other hand got 28.

Right now she's watching from a the temple. She looks up at the sky as her mind began to think. It's been a month since they arrived at the temple and Jackie has been having a weird time for the fact she keeps finding herself in weird place when she wakes up.

First it was near the Wu vault, and the last one was on top of the roof.

"You seem detached" Fung said walking up to her. "It's nothing. I'm just not that social if it's not with Kimiko. Besides I need some relaxation, I found myself on top of the temple this morning."

Fung smiles "I saw that, you were doing martial arts in your sleep." Jackie looks at the old monk in pure shock "I was what!?"

"It is nothing to be surprised about. You see every Celestial dragon before you was your ancestor. And as you got older your body started to react to your linage and tend to react on it's own in your sleep. For example you may use magic while in this state." he explained.

The goth groaned, that explains on why bounced off her bed and landed on the ground one time "Great, how am I suppose to control this?" Touching her shoulder Fung says, "I can teach you. As the Celestial Dragon, your training will be far more complex than the others."

"It doesn't surprise me, I mean Celestial Magic is basically the mother of all magic. So I should expect extra training." Jackie sighed as Omi began to laugh at something.

Fung smiles as he walks over to the now laughing on the ground monk. And Jackie could tell that whatever he's laughing at will get another one of those wise sayings.

Getting up Jackie walks up just in time to hear Master Fung say "But being a Xiaolin Dragon also means seeing the world in a different way. For example, finding simple solutions to complicated problems. Well done, Clay."

Tipping his hat the cowboy said "Thank you, sir."

"Look alive people!" Dojo proclaimed slithers up with the scroll and opens it "We've got a hot Shen Gong Wu!"

"The Fist of Tebigong, a most powerful Shen Gong Wu, indeed." Master Fung said calmly. "Ohh, it packs a punch, literally."

Jackie smiles "Seems like something that'll fit nicely with Clay." she stated. "Thanks Jackie." The cowboy said as everyone goes to vault.

Touching the bells the stairs to the vault open "Cool!" Jackie said as they all walk down. "Quickly young ones. Choose your own Shen Gong Wu for battle."

Raimundo exclaims, "Dibs on the Eye of Dashi!" "No you can not have it. You don't know what it will do!" he exclaimed.

"Sure I do. It's supposed to shoot lightning or something." "Oh that's really perspective" Jackie said sarcastically.

Rai smirks as he keeps it out of Omi's reach "Besides. I called it." "But I won it in the showdown. I should be the first to use it." Omi replied.

"Fighting over a Shen Gong Wu? Are you two trying to start a Xiaolin Showdown?" Master Fung said with an raised eyebrow.

"Master Fung, please decide which of us should take the Eye of Dashi." Omi said gesturing to said Wu.

"Hmm...It should go to the winner of the obstacle course challenge" he said.

Which is Clay, but Omi was thinking of himself "Yes! in your head, Raimundo!" The youngest monk said pointing at the Brazilian boy.

"It's in your face" he corrected.

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