Arrow of Xīn-suì

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In valley that holds Guan's temple, the monks were still searching for the Wu. But it was coming up fruitless.

"Do you think it's this mountain? Maybe Guan accidentally got it wrong." Clay suggested.

Omi shakes his head. "Master Monk guan would never make such a mistake."

"You do realize that this is the same guy that made the mistake of thinking that a pointy stick was worth more than Dojo's life." Raimundo reminded.

The Dragon of Water glared at his fellow dragon and gritted his teeth, not liking how he's disrespecting the Staff of Guan.

"It is not a pointy stick! It's the Staff of Guan! A priceless and one-of-a-kind artifact!"

Elsewhere, Master Monk Guan was drinking some more tea when he sneezed.

Sniffling, he wipes his nose with a napkin and blows into it. "Am I catching a cold?" He asked himself.

"It's a stick with a blade, by definition it's a pointy stick, chrome dome." Raimundo stated, smirking at how heated Omi's getting.

"Why you! You are most shameful! As a Xiaolin Apprentice you must show respect!"

Raimundo raises an eyebrow. "Show respect to a stick? Hard pass dude."

After a while they headed back to Master Monk Guan, who calmly sipped his tea before saying.

"Ah, it must have been the tallest mountain then. My mistake." He then goes back to drinking his tea.

Groaning, the monks checked the tallest mountain.

"Shouldn't this thing activate by now?" Raimundo asked, "It's usually much faster for a sister Wu to activate?"

Dojo shrugs his shoulders as he slithers past Raimundo. "Kinda, sometimes it can take days for a sister Wu to activate, we've just been lucky."

Freezing up, Dojo groans as he began to scratch his back. "Yeouch! Wu alert!"

"Is it the Arrow of Xīn-suì?!" Omi questioned, very hopeful.

"Yep. It's..." Dojo turns around and points back at Guan's temple. "That way."

"Master Monk Guan's Temple? But that makes no sense. If he had the Wu, he would have told us." Omi stated.

Jermaine narrows his eyes, now smelling a rat. "Unless he had a reason not to."

Getting what he meant, the Dragons of Earth, Fire, and Wind grew suspicious as well.

"I'm starting to smell something fishier than my auntie Clarabelle's smoked rainbow trout pie." Clay proclaimed.

Blinking, the monks looked at the cowboy in bewilderment. "Smoked rainbow trout pie?" Raimundo repeated.

Jermaine held up his hand. "Uh-uh! We are so not getting into that, not now, not ever."

Agreeing with him, the monks hoped on Dojo's back and road back to the temple. And currently, the Master Monk was in the courtyard, exercising.

"Hello, young monk, how may I be of service?" Guan asked.

Jermaine narrowed his eyes at him. "Alright, I'm gonna be the one to cut to the chase. Where's the Wu, it's obvious that you're lying to us."

"Jermaine, I know that you are new but that's no way to treat Master Monk Guan." Omi chided. "Also, he would never lie to us...again."

"Oh no, he's right, I have been lying to you." Guan stated, very nonchalant about it.

Omi smiles proudly. "See Jermaine, Master Monk—" Realizing what he said, the dragon of water's eyes went wide.

He looks at the master monk in shock. "What? But-but-but why?"

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