The Sapphire Dragon part 2

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"Where's Kimiko?" Jackie asked as she puts the food on the table.

"She's obsessing over our mysterious Wu." Rai answered as he digs into his food.

Jackie sighs as she begins to eat as well but Dojo's screaming made them stop.

The goth groaned "Oh what now." She said getting up and following the dragon's screaming to Kimiko's room.

"Dojo! You better-" she gasped when she sees her literally petrified friend "KIMIKO!!" She exclaimed and goes over to her.

"What's wrong?" Rai asked running in with his fellow monks.

"It's Kimiko! She's turned into a sapphire statue!" Dojo exclaimed as he continues to scream.

But he was kept quiet by Master Fung grabbing onto his mouth and held his hands there.

"This is most disturbing. Kimiko is solid sapphire."

"I said that." Dojo's muffled voice said.

Clay tips his hat and said, "Well, I'll be a 2-headed Texas rattler."

"Uh huh." Raimundo agreed.

"Do you think we can turn Kimiko back Master Fung?" Clay asked.

"This is the work of magic. And magic can always be undone in time." Master Fung proclaimed as he let's go of Dojo's mouth and stands up.

"Dojo, did you see the Shen Gong Wu when you found Kimiko?" Omi asked.

But he didn't get a reply "Dojo?" he said questioningly.

He looks around the room until his eyes landed on a small bonsai tree that was shaking.

Walking over to the plant Clay moves it to show the shaking dragon that is hiding behind it.

"No!" Dojo replied and grabs the bonsai tree to put it back where it was.

"What are you getting at Omi?" Clay asked.

"Our mysterious Shen Gong Wu is missing. Whoever did this to Kimiko also stole the Black Dragon." He explained.

"I will gather the elder monks in the meditation hall to discuss this mystery. As for the rest of you. search the grounds for our mysterious intruder." Master Fung ordered.

The monks nod their head as both Omi and Raimundo paired up with each other while Clay and Dojo paired up.

"Wanna join our group?" Rai asked Jackie.

Jackie shakes her head "I'll search on my own. Besides, if I do find the intruder first. I don't want Omi to see the splendid painting that is going to be the intruder's torn apart corpse." She stated nonchalantly.

The monks even Master Fung looked at her in shock. And the thing about this is that they all really believe that she'll carry out that threat because of the look of pure animalistic rage that is in her eyes.

"Find and apprehend the intruder before she does." Master Fung whispered to the male monks and then takes his leave.

"Yes Master." The guys replied and quickly left the room.

Jacquelynn scoffs as she starts looking for the intruder.

She searches high and low for the intruder, but she couldn't find anything.

"When I get my hands on whoever did this to Kimiko. I'm making their death slow and painful." She muttered.

But suddenly she felt a presence behind her and turns around.

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