No Longer in Control

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After having the time of his life partying, by the time that Raimundo had gotten back to the temple, the sun was beginning to rise.

Additionally, the young dragon monk was wearing a golden helmet that was made to look like the sun.

Taking off the mask, Rai was about to put the Sword of the Storm in its drawer.

But suddenly it glowed, and the red tassel wrapped itself around his wrist.

Rai looks at the Wu in bewildered and muttered to himself. "That's weird."

Grunting, Raimundo tried to get the Sword of the Storm to let him go, but it was better said than done.

The stupid thing would not let go of him.

Thankfully after a minute of prying, the Sword finally lost its grip on him.

Which only left the Golden Tiger Claws.

And getting it off was a lot harder than the Sword of the Storm.

Sitting down on the steps, he tried to pry it off by using his feet as a way to push it off.

But even that didn't work.

Suddenly the Golden Tiger Claws move his hand on its own.

"Maybe we can talk this over." Rai stated.

He then screams as the Golden Tiger Claws made him slash the air, creating another portal.

Where it then forces him to go through and took him to his room.

Landing face first, Rai groans in pain and glares at the Wu.

"What do you want?" He questioned.

Getting up, he decided that it was time to gets some help and cried out loudly.


The Golden Tiger Claws quickly covers his mouth and forced his head down on the pillow.

Sometime later, Raimundo managed to get up and was now wearing a giant glove over his hand.

Spotting him, Jackie walked over to him. "Raimundo."

Rai jumps back but smiles at her. "Oh, hey Jackie, what's up?"

"What was going on last night? I heard you screaming for help, something about your family?" She stated.

Raimundo frowns nervously. "It's a long story, but—"

Suddenly his glove rips into shreds, revealing the Golden Tiger Claws.

Jackie's eyes widened but instead of getting angry, she looked at him knowingly.

Pointing at the Shen Gong Wu, she looked at Raimundo as she spoke.

"I'm guessing, there's a logical reason behind..." Still pointing at the Wu, Jackie does a small circular motion. "This?"

Raimundo looked at her in surprise, since he would have expected her to get angry like the last time, he stole the Wu.

"I'm shocked you're not getting angry about me disobeying orders."

"Given how frantic you sounded last night, it's obvious that you only put it on out of desperation?"

"Are you kidding me Rai?!" Kimiko said, finally taking notice of him.

Suddenly a shadow towered over them as Master Fung stood next to them.

"Raimundo, is there something you would like to say?"

"Look, guys, it wasn't my fault. There was this freak volcano near my hometown! I tried to tell you. But you were all asleep."

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