The Emperor Scorpion

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"Come on kids! We got no time to lose!" Dojo exclaimed.

"So where is the Emperor Scorpion?" Kimiko asked.

"The Center of the Earth!" The green dragon answered in an ominous tone.

"Dress light. It's always Summer down there and bring ice." He suggested playfully.

Jackie makes a confused sound in the back of her throat. "Hold up? If the Emperor Scorpion is at the center of the earth, doesn't that mean Omi passed it up when he went down there to get the Golden Tiger Claws?"

There was a moment of silence as everyone thought about it before turning their gaze towards the monk in question.

Who looked like a deer caught in headlights for a good minute before he lets out the most irritated sigh in existence and facepalms at the fact that all of this could have been avoided had he noticed the Wu.

Omi takes out the Tunnel Armadillo out of his pocket and threw it onto the floor. "Tunnel Armadillo!"

Getting inside, the monks buckled up.

"Alright, here we go." Jackie muttered as she grabs the wheel, closes the lid, and starts to tunnel through the ground.

Which admittedly was going to take a while, even the Fearsome Five, who was using the Serpents Tail to reach the center of the earth were having some trouble reaching their destination.

Soon they made it and land on a large piece of rock.

Jumping out, the monks looked around for their enemies but saw no one.

Meaning that they got here before them.

"Ooh! If I were a Shen Gong Wu, where would I hang my hat?" Clay asked.

Omi gasped when he saw the Emperor Scorpion. "On a small mound of hardened lava!"

"What makes you say that?" The Cowboy asked.

Omi points up at the pillar of rock which had the Emperor Scorpion on top.

Suddenly it was at that moment that the Fearsome Five arrived.

Mala Mala Jong roars at them so ferociously that the monks were slightly pushed back by his roar.

"Oh, no! we're too late! It's the Fearsome Five!" Dojo exclaimed as he goes to hide in Clay's hat.

But he then sticks his out. "According to the ancient scroll, the Fearsome Five appearance marks the end of the world!"

Suddenly Angelynn's molar 2000 bursts through the lava and lands on a piece of hardened lava.

Getting out, Angel looks down at her enemies with a smirk. "Hello, Xiaolin losers! Ready to admit defeat?"

Omi steps forward and glares at the pastel goth. "Never! I will defeat you and the Fearsome—"

"Omi!" Jackie exclaimed sternly.

The young monk flinches at the stern tone in his comrade's voice and corrects himself before he's on the receiving end of her ire. "I mean we will defeat you and the Fearsome Five!"

"I will defeat you and the Fearsome Five." Angelynn said mocking the boy.

She then glares at him and said, "Dude, get over yourself!"

"So, which one do you want to take?" Rai asked as he cracks his knuckles.

"I will take them all!" Omi proclaimed to his fellow monk's shock and Jackie's irritation.

Jumping away, Omi lands on Angelynn and uses her to vault over to the Fearsome Five.

"Monkey strike!" he exclaimed and tried to fight all of them at once.

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