Matters of the Heart

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"So, what's the Wu of the day?" Raimundo asked, currently the entire group were flying over the ocean.

Bringing out the Shen Gong Wu Scroll, Kimiko opens it. "Neptune's Helmet, it allows you to create a walking hurricane." She proclaimed.

Omi looks over her shoulder happily. "A most excellent Wu, imagine how more excellent my magnificent element could become."

Everyone rolled their eyes at Omi's big ego.

Stopping in the middle of the ocean, Dojo looked around in confusion.

"This isn't right?" He muttered, "Something wrong Dojo?" Clay asked.

"Yeah, the island, it's supposed to be here. I know it." Dojo stated, he scans the area some more before his eyes landed on a small turf of land.

Which wasn't much since it only had one coconut tree and tropical flowers surrounding the base.

"I remember these flowers; Dashi and I placed the helmet near these." He stated.

"Not much of an island, is it?" Rai asked sarcastically. "The island must've sunk, taking the Helmet with it." Jackie stated.

Getting up, she stretches her arms above her head until she felt a satisfying pop.

Jumping forward, Jackie muttered under her breath. "Syreni!"

Transforming into a mermaid before she hit the water, the transformed monk looked around and saw nothing.

Above, Kimiko took out the Gills of Himachi and puts them on. "Gills of Himachi!" She exclaimed.

Now a fish person, the Dragon of Fire jumped into the water before she could choke from the lack of it.

Searching the depths of the sea, the girls looked under every nook and cranny they could find.\

Lifting a giant boulder, Jackie looked at the ground but found zilch.

Sighing in annoyance, she places the boulder back on the ground and swims away. Suddenly, something slinks past her from behind.

Having the feeling that she was being watched, Jackie turns around but saw nothing.

Turning back around, Jackie saw a Great White Shark rushing towards her.

However, as it was nearing her, Jackie calmly pulls her fist back and clocked it right in the nose.

Stupefied, the shark shakes its head as small whisps of blood trinkles out of its nostrils.

Looking at the blood, the shark then turns its attention to Jackie, fear coursing through its usually soulless dark eyes.

Whimpering like a kicked puppy, the shark makes a run for it like it was a Sailfish.

With that taken care of, Jackie just huffs as she swam off.

Meanwhile with Kimiko, she was still looking around until she saw something twinkle at the corner of her eye.

Looking down, Kimiko smiled when she saw the Helmet sitting on a rock.

"Jackpot!" She said as she swam over to it.

However, just as she was about to grab it, something grabbed her foot.

"Huh?" Turning around, Kimiko gasp when she saw that it was a silver colored, robotic octopus.

Which quickly entangled her into its robotic tentacles. "HAHA!" Angelynn laughed as she swam up in a diving suit.

"Angelynn!" Kimiko hissed; she grunts as she tried to break free, but the octopus had a strong grip on her.

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