The Return of Mala Mala Jong

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Back at the temple, after the monks told Master Fung what was happening, he took them to the meditation room, started a fire under the cauldron in the middle of the room, which started to emit golden smoke that showed them a mirage.

And right now, the golden smoke was showing the planets alignment.

"The planets have aligned themselves as they do once every thousand years." Master Fung proclaimed.

Using his best hold man face along with slicking his hair back, Rai repeats what the old monk just said. "Once every thousand years."

He then sighs as he stops copying his master and said, "That could only mean bad news."

"The Shen Gong Wu will act on their own. They will travel the earth until they find each other. Once they have, they will form Mala Mala Jong."

"WHAT?!" Jackie exclaimed angrily.

"I knew it! Bad news!" Rai exclaimed.

Omi just smiled confidently as he got up and stuck his head through the magical premonition. "HA! I am not afraid. I defeated Mala Mala Jong before!"

Master Fung just looked at his youngest student calmly and pushed him back onto the floor with his finger. "This time, Mala Mala Jong will be far more powerful. It will be made of many more Shen Gong Wu and will not rest until it has found them all."

"And realized its destiny to become the Fearsome Five."

With that the magical premonition shows the Fearsome Five, which was clones of Mala Mala Jong destroying anything in their path.

"Mala Mala must not be allowed to form. You must work together by learning to wisely use your individual elements."

"I promise you; we will defeat this evil together. Even if I have to do it all by myself." Omi announced proudly.

Jackie's right eye twitched in irritation at how the young monk's inflated ego is making his already big head bigger than a beach ball.

And so, without looking at him, the gothic monk raised her fist and bonked the young monk on the head.

"Ow! Jackie!"

Said girl finally glances at him, but the look she gave him was very stern and made the young monk keep his mouth shut. "Don't Jackie me. You know what you said."

And with that the monks took their leave and got ready.

Getting on Dojo, the monks calmly enjoyed the ride to wherever they were going and soon enough they came to their location

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Getting on Dojo, the monks calmly enjoyed the ride to wherever they were going and soon enough they came to their location.

Which was an island in the middle of nowhere with an old fortress carved through the mountain.

"This place is creepier than auntie May givin' herself a sponge bath." Clay commented.

"Ew!" Kimiko said in disgust.

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