Focus part 1

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It was late at night, the wind was crisp and cool, the starry night sky out with the moon.

The picture of serenity and silence.

All accept a training Jackie, after getting the fist of Tebigong, which was 3 weeks ago.

Jackie made a routine of her personal training, after she's done with the group training, she meditates with Master Fung and works on improving her balance her way, learning new ways to use her magic.

And then finish it with practicing new moves by doing different martial art styles.

Right now she's doing Tai Chi poses.

"Jackie?" the goth stopped and turned around to see Kimiko who's wearing her favorite panda bear onsie with hood.

"What?" she asked. "What are you doing? I noticed your door was opened and saw you not in it?" the dragon of fire said sleepily.


Kimiko's eyes widen in shock, she looked at the redhead like she had three heads "At this hour? are you feeling OK?"

"I'm fine..It's just I have to have a more stricter training than all of you. I am the Dragon of Celestial Magic. So I have no choice in the matter."

Kimiko raised an eyebrow as she sits down on the edge of the temple "What does your magic has to do with anything?"

Jackie sighed as she sits down with her friend "Celestial Magic is one of it's names, it goes by many. One of them is called Quintessence."

"Basically it's the mother of all magic. Everything that we have is actually created by the very first element which is also the most powerful for the fact it did create the galaxy."

"And as the user of such power, I have to train harder than all of you to control it. I guess this is one of the reason that the Celestial Dragon is only revealed every 500 years. Thankfully being the celestial dragon is hereditary so no random person can become it."

"Wow, that's a very tall order. I mean it sounds like your destiny is to be the most powerful being in the universe."

"Pretty much, but at least this responsibility went to me. Could you imagine the trouble we be in if Angelynn got this power?"

"That would a major plot twist and a disaster." Kimiko said with a face of mock dread.

The girls laughed, "Thanks Kimiko, you should get some rest. I'm going to be out here for another hour."

Nodding her head the girl gets up and walks back to her room.

Sighing Jackie goes back to her training.

She did this for another 2 hours before she decided it was time to go back to bed.

Time Skip...

Jackie sighs as she leans against Dojo who morphed himself into a boat through the waters of Scotland, they came here to get the monkey staff but Kimiko lost it to Angelynn because of her hot temper and is sulking because of it.

Dojo shudders "This water's cold." he muttered "I'm telling you, I don't know how my cousin Nessie stands living here. of course, if you ask me, she likes all the attention. Hey, look! it's the Loch Ness Monster!" he joked

"Hey, Look! it's the Loch Ness Monster!" a male Scottish voice said.

Everyone looks around in confusion on where it came from "See."

Omi looks at Kimiko and walks over to her "Ooh Kimiko, please do not feel sad." he said trying to comfort her.

"I don't and I don't need your pity, either." the dragon of fire grumbled quickly.

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