Truth or Lie

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Meanwhile with Angelynn, she had made her way over to Chase's lair.

And right now, she was on her knees and presented him the bag of Shen Gong Wu.

"I have to admit, Spicer," Chase takes out the Reversing Mirror and inspects it. "I'm impressed."

"Me too." Wuya agreed before looking at Angel with a sneer. "It's so unlike you, Angel, to do something right."

Angelynn sticks out her tongue at the ghostly witch before looking back at Chase with a hopeful smile.

"You've proven yourself. I welcome you as my new apprentice." Chase stated.

Overjoyed, Angel squeals happily as she hugs Chase so tightly that she was able to keep herself suspended without him holding her.

However, she was so caught in the moment that she did not notice that Chase's body was shaking from irritation as he lets out a low feral growl.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" She then looks up proudly. "All I can say is, Angelynn Spicer has arrived!"

She then goes back to hugging Chase, who was absolutely done with her.

"3 second rule!" Chase growled as he pushed Angelynn off him and marched away with a scowl.

Sometime later it was now morning but instead of doing their daily routine.

The monks were being forced to cater to Katnappé's every need since she apparently injured her leg when she fell.

"I still think she's lying." Jackie said as she helps Kimiko keep a trash bag open so Rai could dump dirty cat litter into it.

"If she is, I'm gonna dunk her headfirst in this pile of literal shit." Kimiko muttered.

She then looked at their "guest." Who was currently playing with a cat toy that Clay was holding above her head.

And while he was doing that, Omi was bandaging up her injured foot.

"First Spicer, then cat litter. Why do we have to put up with her?" She asked.

Omi looks at his fellow monks with a scowl. "Because she is injured."

Grabbing a plate with a cooked fish, Omi held it out to Katnappé. "And it is the way of the Xiaolin Monk to help those in need."

"That's right." Katnappé said as she pinches Omi's cheek. "Listen to the cute one." She cooed.

Dropping the plate into Katnappé's cat bed, Omi had a lovestruck expression on his face.

He then looked at the others, who were looking at him with unimpressed scowls.

"What? Is it my fault I am so cute?" Omi questioned and looked back at Katnappé and bats his eyes.

Rolling her eyes, Jackie walks over and grabs Omi by the back of his robes.

"Come on, Omi." She said and the monks quickly made their way out of the room.

"Wait, Jackie. Can I borrow your jacket?" Katnappé asked and bats her eyes.

"No." Jackie answered.

Katnappé then began to put on a very pathetic act. "But I'm so cold and your jacket looks so snug and warm."

"My answer is still no."

Omi frowns, very disappointed in her refusal to help Katnappé.

"Jacquelynn, you are a Xiaolin Warrior, and should do anything to help those less fortunate. Besides, what's so—"

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