Return of Pandabubba

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As some point, Toshiro had left to do something else.

And Pandabubba was now watching all of the workers from above from a railing.

Moreover, Angelynn had arrived at the factory and walks over to him with the Zing Zom-Bone in hand.

However, she only had it for a short time since she immediately hands it off to him.

"Well, Mr. Pandabubba, here's the Zing Zom-Bone that you wanted."

Crossing her arms, she narrowed her eyes at him and asked, "Now, where are my new state of the art robots that you promised me?"

Still looking down at his new Wu, Pandabubba raises his hand.

"Just like we agreed upon, Spicer."

The crime boss snaps his fingers, and an automatic door open and revealed Angel's new robots.

Squealing happily, Angelynn runs towards them and began to admire them.

"They're...." She hugs them happily, "They're beautiful!"

Wuya quickly flies over to the pastel goth and glared at her. "Angel!"

Angelynn looked at the ghostly witch.

"Did you just trade Shen Gong Wu for worthless robots?!"

She gets into Angel's face and yells, "AGAIN?!!"

Angelynn rolled her eyes as she walks back over to Pandabubba while muttering to herself.

"Nag, nag, nag!"

She crosses her arms and groans in annoyance.

"Why couldn't I get a ghost without an opinion?!"

"So, Spicer, from one evil super genius to another, how did you get that Wu?" Pandabubba asked.

Her ego now being stroked, Angelynn smiles proudly.

"Funny you should ask, P.B."

"It was quite simple. I disguised one of my robots as a ninja, and while everyone was fighting."

"He snagged the Wu and quietly disappeared unnoticed."

If anything, it is a miracle that he managed to sneak away unnoticed.

The Ninja-Bot had footsteps that were loud as hell, had tripped over a cat, and had run right through a building.

But she was not about to tell them that.

She then gestures to Wuya and said, "Even clown face here didn't suspect a thing."

Pandabubba smiles, somewhat impressed with the pastel goth.

"Nice work. When we first met, I took you for an incompetent boob."

Angel chuckles and said, "Well I do my best."

Wuya groaned and facepalmed at the pastel goth's stupidity.

Now curious, Angel began to ask on why he needed the Wu in the first place.

"So now that you've got the Zom-Bone, what's next? Something evil, I hope."

"Of course." Pandabubba said as he looks down at the workers.

"You see, zombie workers are very good at following orders."

He points the Shen Gong Wu at the workers and activated it.

"Zing Zom-Bone!"

Releasing a golden smoke, the second it touched the workers.

Their skin turned deathly pale, and their eyes were now opened very widely and were completely white.

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