Battle of the Gladiators

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Kneeling, Chase placed his hand on her cheek and lightly caressed it with his thumb.

Keeping his eyes on her, he began to demand answers from Jermaine.

"Jermaine, what happened?"

Looking at his master, Jermaine shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, she suddenly passed out after jumping out of a portal."

It was then at that moment that Chase had spotted the vein like markings. Which had traveled further up her body and were now on the left side of her face.

Upon turning her head to the side and seeing this.

Chase's eyes grew wide, and his heart seemed to drop to the pit of his stomach as the intensified feeling of horror continued to course through his veins.

Quickly picking Jackie up bridal style, Chase walks away with Jermaine following close behind him.

By the time they made it to Jackie's room, the gothic monk was already looking really sickly.

It was to the point that her usually pale white skin had a grayish tint to it.

And as he was setting her down on the bed, Hinata, who was in her human form came in.

Moreover, in her hands was a silver tray that had a potion bottle.

Which was filled with a magenta-colored liquid and right next to it was a syringe.

Moving out of the way, Chase and Jermaine watched as Hinata injected the potion into Jackie's bloodstream.

"Is she going to be, ok?" Jermaine asked, worried for Jackie.

"She will be fine. The effect of the antidote is almost instantaneous." Chase stated.

Jermaine looks at Chase with curiosity and asked, "How did you even know what to give her?"

"Because there is only one reason why she would have those markings. And that's if she was exposed to a rare tropical flower known as Dragon's Bane."

"Dragon's Bane?" Jermaine repeated softly before asking. "So, it's kinda like Wolf's Bane then?"

"Correct." Chase confirmed before looking back Jackie and even though he was trying to stay as stoic as possible.

Just by looking at his eyes, it was clear that he was extremely worried.

"But it's a good thing she came here when she did, the toxin was entering the final stages, any longer and she could have died."

Still downtrodden with worry, Jermaine looks back at Jackie, but he then feels a hand on his shoulder.

Jermaine looked at Chase, who was staring at him as he stated calmly, "Anyway, you should get going young monk."

Not liking that idea, Jermaine tried to object. "But..."

However, Chase had cut him off and reassured him. "Everything will be fine, by the time of your return, Jacquelynn will be as right as rain."

Sighing, Jermaine spares Jackie one more glance before reluctantly taking his leave.

And soon Hinata took her leave as well.

With them both gone, that just left Chase alone with Jackie.

Standing perfectly still, the warlord stared at her with an unreadable expression for a few seconds before he walks closer.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Chase placed his hand on her cheek.

"You certainly got yourself in trouble this time." He muttered.

Leaning forward, he placed his forehead against hers and breathes in deeply, and when the warlord exhaled it was admittedly very shaky.

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