A Gift or a Curse

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It was nighttime and at the Xiaolin Temple, everyone was sound asleep.

Well almost everyone, rising from his slumber with a groan and a tired yawn, Omi rubbed his eyes before looking around tiredly.

Letting out a small cough, he places a hand on his throat which was sore from dehydration.

Yawning again, the young monk gets up and makes his way out of his room.

Walking down the halls and into the kitchen, he opens the fringe and stared at the inside for a second before grabbing some milk.

Pouring himself a glass, the young monk drank it all until there was nothing left.

Putting the glass in the sink, Omi took the time to wash it and put it back before he walked back to his room.

As He walked through the halls to get back to his bedroom a strange noise caught his attention.

Training his ears, Omi looks around in suspicion as it sounded like someone was groaning and moaning in pain.

Following the noise, it led him to Jackie's room.

Opening the door, Omi peeked in and saw the gothic monk twisting and turning in her sleep.

Letting out another breathless moan, Jackie spoke softly. "Chase."

Omi raises an eyebrow, wondering if Jacquelynn is having a nightmare about Chase or maybe she's fighting him in her sleep.

Walking closer, Omi watched as Jackie continued to call out Chase's name and twist and turn.

He then pokes Jackie in the cheek. "Jacquelynn?" Gasping, Jackie opened her eyes and looked at Omi, who was looking with worry.

Sitting up, Jackie looks down at him in confusion. "Omi? What are you doing here it's..." she grabs her phone. "4 AM."

"I was thirsty but as I was walking back, I heard a weird sound and found you having a nightmare." He stated.

"Nightmare?" Jackie repeated, she gets a far off look in her eyes as she tries to recall her dream.

However, in hindsight she wished that she had forgotten it as whatever she had dreamed about had made her face turn a deep shade of red. "I wasn't...having a nightmare..."

"Oh! Then were you fighting Chase then?" He asked. "I heard you saying his name in your sleep."

Her eyes widening, Jackie's face turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Uh...yes, I was." She replied, her voice very awkward. "Did you win?" Omi asked.

"...Yes." Jackie answered.

Omi smiles brightly. "I should have expected as such, Chase young is no match for you even in your dreams. I shall take my leave. Have a good night." He bows to her and takes his leave.

With Omi gone, Jackie moves her bangs out of her face. "Oh god...I can't believe this, did I just really dream of—" Picking up her pillow, she screams her frustrations and embarrassment into it.

The next morning, the monks had a free day. And currently, the boys were playing basketball with Jermaine and Raimundo vs Clay and Omi.

And nearby, the girls were just lounging under the shade of a gazebo looking at Magazines.

"Get ready to lose!" Jermaine said as he dribbles the ball before passing it to Raimundo.

"Oooh this one is so cute." Kimiko stated, Jackie looked over her shoulder and nodded his head. "Yeah."

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