In the Flesh

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The monks held onto Dojo tight as he flew through the sky faster than he has ever done before.

"Anything Dojo?" Kimiko questioned.

"Zip, nada, bupkus." The green dragon replied.

"Please Hurry. If Wuya is restored to her fleshy form, life as we know it may cease to exist." Omi proclaimed.

Dojo makes a sudden stop which resulted in the monks getting slightly squished when his body had to catch up.

Dojo turns his head to look at them "I get it! it's important! I'm doing my best. The additional pressure, I do not need."

"Sorry." Omi smiles apologetically and does a peace sign.

"Oh, forget it. it's just freshly activated Shen Gong Wu are easy to track. But an old one? I don't even know the-" before he finished his sentence, he started to smell something.

"Wait hold on." He sniffs the air some more. "I got something." He turns his head as he tries to pinpoint the familiar scent.

"Is that the Serpent's Tail?" he asked himself.

His whole body then starts to shake "Dojo! We're thousands of miles in the air remember!" Jackie exclaimed as her and her fellow monks held on tightly so they wouldn't be thrown off.

"Bingo!" Dojo exclaimed and flies towards the scent.

Meanwhile with Raimundo and Wuya...
Raimundo looks at the moon and then at Wuya, "You ready?"

The witch looks at her reflection as she starts to bask in her soon to be victory and then turns to look at the former Dragon of the Wind. "I've waited 1,500 years for this moment!" she exclaimed.

Rai smirks, "So that's a yes?"

"Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!" the Heylin Witch replied impatiently.

"Ok, ok, just jerking your chain."

"That's funny." Clay said making the monk's presence known as Dojo lands.

"A jerk jerking a chain." He said completely his sentence.

Omi smiles at Clay, "A jerk jerking a chain? Ha! Most amusing Clay."

Jackie rolls her eyes as she jumps off Dojo.

"You know what I don't miss? Omi constantly missing—" seeing his chance Omi kicked the Serpent's Tail out of Rai's hands and the Shen Gong Wu was grabbed by Dojo.

"Missing what?" Omi said smugly.

"Give it!" Rai demanded.

Dojo smirked and holds out the Serpent's Tail. "This? Sorry." Dojo then throws it to Clay.

Clay laughs as Raimundo tried to grab it but since Clay was taller than him it was easy to keep it out of his reach.

"Try again." Clay said throwing the Wu to Jackie.

Rai growls and runs over to Jackie, "Oops my bad." The goth said and throws the Wu to Kimiko.

He runs towards Kimiko, but she jumped over him and throws the Wu to Omi.

"Cut it out!" Rai exclaimed and pounced towards the youngest monk.

"Too late." Omi said and throws the Wu to Clay.

"They're making a buffoon out of you!" Wuya exclaimed.

Having enough Raimundo brings out the Golden Tiger Claws.

"Not anymore. Golden Tiger Claws!" he exclaimed and jumps through the portal.

The monks looked around "Where is Raimundo?" Omi questioned.

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