Xiaolin Apprentice Training

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Angelynn hums to herself as she works on a new invention which required her to wear a welding helmet so she wouldn't go blind.

Wuya floats over to the evil genius and looks at the invention before saying. "Nice work Angel."

But she was blatantly ignored, and the Heylin Witch kept trying to suck up. "Excellent craftsmanship."

"Beat it, Wuya." Angelynn replied.

"Now, Angel, don't be like that. can't we let bygones be bygones?"

The evil genius stops what she was doing to look at the Heylin Witch and points at her with an accusing finger. "Your Mala Mala Junk goes bust, now you expect me to take you back!" she exclaimed.

Going back to her new invention she says, "Forget it. Not interested."

Wuya narrows her eyes "But you are interested Angelynn. If you want to rule the world." She gives her a smug look "You see, you need me to locate the Shen Gong Wu."

Turning of her blowtorch, the pastel goth chuckles "I need you? actually, not so much." She said as she flips up her mask.

She picks up her invention "Behold! The Angelynn Spicer, evil girl genius, Shen Gong Wu Detecto-bot."

"Pan pin. The what?" Wuya said in shock.

Hitting a button, a metal trap door opens to reveal Angelynn's jet. "Get this, not only can it tell when a Shen Gong Wu is activated. But it can also lead me to it." Angelynn announced as she walks over to her mode of transportation and puts the device in the front.

She looks at Wuya smugly, "Face it, you old witch, you're obsolete." She stated.

Wuya gasped in shock and could only watch as the pastel goth got in her jet and was getting ready for takeoff.

"Well, got that world conquering to do. Later!" she said as the top closes.

"And don't be here when I get back." She added before she took off.

Wuya looks at her outraged, "Obsolete, am I?" she said to herself sardonically.

"We'll see about that." she added.

Meanwhile with the monks...
Kimiko sighed as she played on her PDA and was doing her own thing when she heard footsteps. Taking a quick glance, she gasped when she saw that it was Jackie.

Getting up quickly, she tackles the goth in a hug "Jackie!"

"Ugh! Kimiko! Was that really necessary?" she asked.

"Yes! Where have you been?! It's been 6 hours and Master Fung said that you were sent on a task that all Celestial Dragons go through."

The goth looked at her confused, 6 hours? She's only been gone for 40 minutes.

She was about to say something, but she was stopped by Master Fung calling the monks over.

"I'll tell you later. Right now, let's go see what Master Fung wants" she stated.

Nodding her head, the Dragon of Fire gets off her and they both walked to where the old monk is.

Who was waiting patiently in a grassy part of the temple with a tarp with Shen Gong Wu on it.

Once all four Xiaolin Apprentices were there Master Fung began to speak again. "Now, my Xiaolin Apprentices, with your new ranking comes the learning new skills."

"Kimiko, if you please." Getting up the Dragon of Fire walks over the old monk.

Bending down Master Fung grabs the Star Hanabi and hands it to her. "Say the name of this Shen Gong Wu and then your Dragon Element and you shall unlock a unique power." He instructed.

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