Spa Day

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Pulling at the Shen Gong Wu Scroll, Jackie continues with her light reading. And there was a lot of Shen Gong Wu mentioned in this scroll that toed the line of being fucking bizarre to interesting to OP.

At one point she came across an entry about the Arrow of Yue-Lao and Xin-sui. She skimmed over the information but then backtracks and looks at the description about the former Wu.

"Hold up." She squints her eyes as she reads the small footnote at the bottom.

"Please, note that the only way for one to be immune to the Arrow of Yue-Lao's powers even mildly is if the victim is already in love." She read aloud.

Looking blankly into Space, Jackie thinks about it. While her mind was conscious throughout the entire ordeal, her body still moved on its own.

As a result, there is no way that means she has caught feelings after 20 years of rejecting every suitor that has come her way, there is no way she likes Chase.

Sighing, Jackie decided that she was done for the night and close the scroll.

Laying in bed, Jackie kept turning on different sides, trying to fall straight to sleep. Moving onto her back, Jackie sighed and stared up at the ceiling. Lost in her own thoughts.

"This is most excellent." Omi said as he happily ate his cheesecake pancakes. "Yeah, you really outdid yourself this time Jackie." Raimundo complimented.

The others agreed as well. However, they were only met with silence from the gothic monk.

They looked at her and saw her absent mindedly staring at her food with a blank expression. But her face was red, and there was an aura of airiness about her.

"Uh...Jackie?" Kimiko called out. "Jackie!" Snapping out of it, Jackie looks at her. "Huh? What is it?"

"Well, we were complimenting you on your food." Raimundo said. "Oh...thanks. I'm glad you like it." Jackie replied, her mind then goes elsewhere again.

After breakfast, the monks kept looking at Jackie suspiciously.

"So, anyone seeing how weird Jackie's been acting for the past 2 weeks?" Raimundo inquired.

"I know, she's like...trapped in her own little world or something." Jermaine said.

Clay hums in thought as he takes in her expression. "She kinda looks like my older cousin Carlos after he met Michael."

The monks looked at him in confusion. "Who?" They inquired.

"Oh, Michael is this guy that Carlos had a major crush on. And when he had caught feelings, whenever I saw him, the way he acted was very similar to Jackie's behavior."

He looks back at the gothic monk. "Constantly lost in his own thoughts with a face redder than a tomato and all the while having an aura of airiness about him like he was on cloud 9."

The monks looked at him blankly before looking back at Jackie. They had varying expressions of shock minus Jermaine, who was now very intrigued.

Raimundo scoffs. "So, what you're saying is that Jackie is lovestruck?" He shakes his head. "That's crazy talk, Jackie's not in love."

"Did Carlos and Michael ever date?" Kimiko asked, more interest in Clay's cousins love life than her own friend's at the moment.

Clay nods his head. "Yep, they're actually getting married next year."

"Awesome!" Kimiko squealed.

Raimundo clears his throat. "Hello, can we get back to what I was saying. Jackie is not in love, besides, who would she be in love with?"

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