Adventures in New York City Part 1

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Jackie groans as she starts to regain consciousness.

She lightly opens her eyes and groaned at the bright light shining from the sun.

As she laid there she tried to listen to her surroundings, and the only thing she heard was the sound of rushing she was right next to a waterfall and the wind blowing into the room and lightly hitting her face.

But unfortunately, her vision started to go in and out again signaling that she was about to pass out again.

She tried to look around, but she was still too weak to the point moving her head was a challenge.

What little she did managed to make out was that she was in a turquoise room and that she's in a bed with dark green silk sheets.

But before she lost consciousness again, she thought she saw something move towards her as a hand gently touches her cheek "Sleep." A smooth voice ordered.

The goth lets out a small noise as she falls asleep again.

But one thing did cross her mind before she lost conscious again. It's that the voice sounds she heard it once before, but she can't remember where.


The goth gasped and sat up and found herself in the building that the Blue Dragon knocked her in.

She looks around in confusion, what happened? How did she get here? all these thoughts went through her mind as she tried to recall what happened.

But everything was fuzzy. And the headache and whoever yelling her name wasn't making it any better. She groans as she shakes her head and walks out.

And heads to the training grounds to find the others.

"Someone say my name?" she questioned getting their attention.

"JACKIE!!" Kimiko exclaimed and tackled the goth in a hug.

"Kim?!" The goth groaned.

The Dragon of Fire let's go of her "Where were you?! We've been looking for you for 4 hours and why weren't you turned into a Sapphire statue by the Sapphire Dragon?" she asked.

"The what-" she then remembered her fight with the blue dragon.

"The blue Dragon where is it?" she asked.

"That's the thing, the blue dragon is in fact the black dragon." Rai answered.

Jackie looks at the Brazilian monk in confusion "What?"

"Yep. Our mysterious Shen Gong Wu is called the Sapphire Dragon. Its main purpose is to turn your enemies into a sapphire statue/minion, but it attacks anyone no matter their alignment. Thankfully, Dojo saved the day since he realized that the Dragon was weakened by Soot. That's why it was in a volcano." Kimiko explained.

"Now what happened girl?" Rai asked.

The goth thinks about it for a moment "All I remember is fighting the Sapphire Dragon and it knocked me back into a building...and I started to lose consciousness..." she places her hand on her head as she tried remembering what happened after that.

"But I think something spooked it. And I have the faintest memory about...a waterfall for some reason." She added.

"Is that everything?" Dojo asked.

The goth nods her head "That's all I remember. But I think there's something I'm missing and no matter how hard I try everything is fuzzy. I think I hit my head too hard." She answered.

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